What is a rhetorical situation 02 05 2013 According to Bitzer those contexts in which speakers or writers create rhetorical discourse pg 1 A natural context of persons events objects relations and an exigence which strongly invites utterance pg 5 A complex of persons events objects and relations presenting an actual or potential exigence which ccan be completely or partially removed if discourse introduced into the situation can so bring about the significant modification of the exigence pg 6 What is exigence A sense of urgency Problem needs to be solved or fixed there is high demand for it to 3 components of Bitzer s rhetorical situation be resolved exigence audience constraints resources who is the speaker addressing Where do constraints and resources come from Rhetor s prior ethos Topic needs to be relevant to audience and tug at pathos PARTICIPATION QUIZ FOR WEDNESDAY 3 primary articles to explain Robert kenneys rhetorical situation primary news sources relevant to his situation published in 1968 post citiations in elms quiz bring articles to class new york times historical library website 02 05 2013 02 05 2013
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