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Psych Disorders Psychology 100 Final Exam Study Guide 1 Look at symptoms and see if they fit the criteria for psychopathology Most mental illnesses are statistically rare and do not occur frequently in the population Subjective distress most people with mental illnesses are distressed by their psychopathological symptoms In some cases however there is no distress Biological dysfunction many mental illnesses have biological as well as psychological symptoms Brain structures patterns of activation associated with mental illness often different from normal population 2 Societal Disapproval stigma against mental illness Negative reactions to psychopathology Prejudice and discrimination for this vulnerable population 3 a Demonic Model Behaviors and symptoms of psychopathology believed to be caused by demonic possession Primary belief of middle ages Malleus Malleficarum Witches Hammer Manual to help identify witches Bizarre treatments often people killed b Medical Model mental illness seen as a condition that requires medical treatment Primary belief of renaissance and beyond Asylums are the hospitals for mental illness and they had very poor conditions Treatments were ineffective and barbaric c Moral Treatment dignified kind respectful assessment and treatment of people with mental illness Encourages freedom for patients fresh air and interaction with people Treatment still not effective though 4 Ataque de Nervios Latin America Uncontrollable shouting crying trembling heat in chest head verbal physical aggression Windigo Native American Canadian Anxiety or fear of becoming cannibal Taijin Kyofushu Japan Fear of offending others Most mental disorders can occur across cultures and societies 5 Eating Disorders Anxiety Disorders excessive and inappropriate stress anxiety and nervousness Mood Disorders Difficulties which center of inability to mediate mood Mood effects all aspects of life experience Dissociative Disorders Disruptions in consciousness memory identity or perception 6 Somatoform Disorder Condition with physical symptoms that have psychological origin Anxiety leading to upset stomach or headache Hypochondriasis is preoccupation with belief that you may be ill with serious disease 7 Generalized Anxiety Disorder Life is controlled by worry Continual feelings of worry anxiety tension that interfere with life A normal person would spend 18 of the day worrying they spend 60 Usually develops following major stressful event 8 Panic attacks are brief intense episodes of extreme fear Sweating dizziness light headedness racing heart feeling of impending doom death Can happen spontaneously 20 25 of college students experience them Panic Disorder is repeated unexpected panic attacks Fear of attacks changes behavior 9 Phobia specific intense fear of object or situation Fear out of proportion to actual threat Specific phobia fear of objects places situations Social phobia fear of public appearances and possible embarrassment humiliation Agoraphobia fear of being in situation that is difficult or embarrassing to escape from Not fear of crowds public places 10 PTSD emotional disturbance after experiencing witnessing extremely stressful event The instigating event must be physically dangerous or life threatening to self or others Response is feelings of helplessness horror and fear Flashbacks are traumatic memories of reliving the event People try to avoid situations associated with the trauma Increased arousal easily startled 11 Obsessions persistent ideas thoughts impulses that are unwanted inappropriate and cause distress Compulsions repetitive behaviors or mental acts performed to reduce or prevent stress 12 Tourette s motor and vocal tics OCD and tourette s may share developmental and biological roots when looking at children 13 Anxious responses are acquired habits operant conditioning Catastrophizing every day experiences will be a disaster and anxiety sensitivity fear of anxiety related symptoms Misinterpret stimuli as harmful Genetic Biological Influences Many anxiety disorders and neuroticism heritable 14 Mood Disorders difficulties which center of inability to mediate mood Mood effects all aspects of life experience During lifetime more than 20 of people will experience this Impacts sleep motivation work relationships and other aspects of life a Major Depressive Episode state of lingering depressed mood lack of interest in usually pleasurable activities weight loss and sleep difficulties Can begin at any age typical in the 30 s Dysthymic Disorder low level depression lasting more than 2 years b c Postpartum Depression depression that occurs within a month of child birth Sometimes accompanied by psychotic symptoms d Seasonal Affective Disorder SAD depression following seasonal pattern 2 years of symptoms e Manic Episode Dramatically elevated mood Decreased need for sleep inflated self esteem talkativeness irresponsible behavior f Bipolar Disorder I was called manic depressive disorder A history of at least one manic episode and 90 have more than one Equally common in men and women Influenced most by genetics g Hypomania less intense disruptive manic episode h Cyclothymia moods alternate between numerous periods of hypomania and depressive symptoms Risk of developing bipolar i Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder childhood condition Excessive inattention impulsivity activity distractibility j a 15 Suicide attempt to end life In US more than 30000 per year Only threat to self not others Intervention is critical Interpersonal Model depression causes problems with relationships Seek excessive reassurance irritates others b Behavioral Model loss of reassurance Depression is result of low rate of positive reinforcement Don t see pleasurable pay offs of behavior c Cognitive Model disorder of thinking Depression is caused by negative beliefs expectations Cognitive Triad negative views of self experiences and the future Cognitive Distortions skewed ways of thinking overgeneralization and selective abstraction 16 Learned helplessness tendency to feel helpless in the face of events we can t control Depressed people attribute negative outcomes to internal rather than external factors Failure seen as internal global and stable 17 Depressive Realism with mild depression people have more accurate view of the world 18 Manic episode dramatically elevated mood Decreased need for sleep inflated self esteem talkativeness irresponsible behavior Depressive episode state of lingering depressed mood

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OSU PSYCH 100 - Final Exam Study Guide

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