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EDHD 320 Exam 2 study guide Spring 2012 Following are the instructions taken directly from this exam Selected response 20 points 1 point per question Select the correct or best answer from the following options and mark your choice on the corresponding answer sheet If you find any of the following questions ambiguous i e you cannot find a correct or best answer you may opt to not answer the question and instead write a short essay that answers the question If you demonstrate an accurate understanding you will earn full credit If not you will have passed up your chance to guess the right answer Place a star next to the question number to indicate that you have chosen this option and write your essay next to the question or on the back of the page Matching 20 points 1 point per question Using the associated word bank for each set of questions match the appropriate term with each statement Terms may be used more than once and not all terms will be used Please write the term in the blank provided If you don t think the correct term is included in the word bank write the term that you think is correct and provide a short explanation If you demonstrate an accurate understanding you will earn full credit Essay 10 points Answer one of the following two questions in the space provided use the back if necessary Be sure to answer all parts of the question You may use bullet points or graphics as part of your response if that will help you to make your point but make sure that you provide enough explanation so that I do not have to guess what you mean 1 EDHD 320 Exam 2 study guide In addition to questions in the reading guide the following are some questions and terms to focus on while preparing for the exam I Language In terms of language production and comprehension what develops prior to an infant saying his or her first word Language comprehension occurs first because the infants come to understand many words before they can produce them reception in language development Language production expression in language development What is the vocabulary spurt and when does it happen What are some factors that affect how many words a child learns Time where an infant soaks up mass amounts of words occurs 18 24 months learn 10 20 new words each week fast mapping is learning meaning with only a few exposures go from knowing 50 words to 500 words large variability Some factors that affect it are type of environment infant is learning in nutrition health parental involvement Matthew Effect is the rich are getting richer can apply to vocabulary What common biases assumptions constraints do children have and how might these be helpful in learning language Whole object constraint assume novel word refers to entire object rather than part or a quality of the object Mutual exclusivity assumption assume novel word refers to an unknown object rather than an object they already know Noun bias in English nouns make up about 40 of first words Terms Phonology the branch of linguistics that deals with systems of sounds including or excluding phonemes especially in a particular language Phonemes are the basic units of sound that can change the meaning of a word Phonics are sounds of language p b d and t in pad pat bad and bat Semantics understanding the differences in the meaning of sentences meaning Morphology the study of the forms of words Morphemes are the basic units of meaning that exist in a word in come ing prefixes suffixes Syntax the systematic rules for forming sentences word choice rules for combining words does not need to be learned it is picked up and refined through school and education Pragmatics rules for specifying how language is used appropriately in different social contexts able to use and understand context sarcasm Comprehension occurs first because the infants come to understand many words before they can produce them reception in language development Production expression in language development 2 Cooing soft murmuring sounds vowels only Babbling repeating consonant vowel combinations like baba or dadadada which Piaget would call a primary circular reaction the repeating of an interesting noise for the pleasure of making it consonants in addition to vowels vocal play Telegraphic speech a simplified manner of speech where only the most important content words are used to express ideas age 2 Noun bias in English nouns make up about 40 of first words Whole object constraint assume novel word refers to entire object rather than part or a quality of the object Mutual exclusivity assumption assume novel word refers to an unknown object rather than an object they already know II Bilingual development What are cognitive advantages of being bilingual Knowing more than one language adds to the cognitive flexibility of a person higher levels of literacy better inhibitory control for ignoring irrelevant perceptual information What are critical periods and how are they different for different aspects of language How do critical periods affect language learning Periods that are more important for learning and acquisition How is learning new words different for bilingual as opposed to monolingual infants Monolingual infants learn words by associating a label with a novel object Mutual exclusivity principle only one name for every object Bilingual babies learn words in the same way Word learning is more challenging for bilingual infants because there are more than one names for each object Bilingual babies have a less restrictive mutual exclusivity principle What strategies can older children adolescents and adults use to compensate for learning a second language later in life How is L2 learning different for adults than for children Memory strategies motivation established first language Due to the critical periods for language it is easier for children to pick up language than it is for adults How does the similarity or dissimilarity between languages affect language learning What are some examples Cross language transfer positive negative some features in your L1 may be helpful in learning L2 Positive two languages share the same feature knowing this feature in L1 helps you to learn the same feature in the second language word order Negative the feature is different in two languages your knowledge about this feature in the first language interferes with learning this feature in the second language word order 3 Terms Critical period periods that are more important for language and acquisition

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