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Lecture Notes 1 28 13 01 28 2013 KEY TERMS Material materiality Bse Hegemony Superstructure Agency Subjectivity Normalization Discourse Culture Materialism Material vs ideological o Material dimensions of culture tangible objects spaces and things o Ideological dimensions of culture intangible ideas meanings and understandings Base and superstructure 2 3 o Base conditions of material existence o Superstructure group culture Hegemony The dominant group leads the subordinate group by force which often takes the form of discipline The subordinate group consents to dominant force often through the form of ideaology Discourse A discourse vs THE discourse A discourse a single unified cluster of truth The discourse the social relationships that support certain ideas of knowledge Foucault s discursive formation p 3 o A mode of knowledge in relation to material institutions it has to do with practices and configurations of power often rooted in organization which both control and are structure by distinct disciplinary knowledges Material how culture is lived and experienced Practices and configurations of power Self interpersonal hegemonic institution structural Power emanates from all around Disciplinary knowledges what we consider to be true correct right etc Reinforce certain structure of discursive authority and displace Bring about certain material effects others Agency the ability to make choices within these constrained conditions of hegemony and discourse o what choices are available o what does it mean to choose o what are the consequences o does this contest power o does this just put us in a different relationship Resistance The active contestation of hegemonic and discursive power 01 28 2013 01 28 2013

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