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Psychology scientific study of behavior mental process scientific study of mind behavior Study of feeling behaving Behavior overt actions reactions must see Mental process internal covert activity of mind must infer Psychologists also study underlying physiological mechanisms 4 goals of psychology 1 Observation Description 2 Explanation 3 Prediction 4 Control Greek psyche soul and logos to study mind private inner experience of perceptions behavior observable actions of humans animals Plato 428 347 BC Argues nativism nature Innate knowledge Mind vs body issue Nature vs Nurture Aristotle 384 322 BC tabula rasa blank slate philosophical empiricism Descartes 1596 1650 Dualism mind separate from body Pineal gland transports us Separate entities Franz Gall 758 1828 Phrenology mapping the mind bumps on your head say about you Pierre Flourens 1794 1867 Paul Broca 1825 1880 Removed parts of brain Added precision through surgical instruments patient not to speak but could hear Broca s area Hemholtz 1821 1894 Measured nerve impulses Stimulus reaction time Wundt 1832 1920 Hemholtz assist founder of psych 1874 book principles of physiological psych 1879 1st psych lab at U of Leipzig Wundt Structuralism ABOVE FRANCE AND GERMANY The analysis of basic elements that constitute the mind Involves breaking down consciousness into elemental sensations feelings Introspection the subjective observation of one s own experience BELOW USA Titchner 1867 1927 Brought psychology structuralism First lab in USA James 1842 1910 functionalism study of purpose mental processes serve in adapting to environment structuralism structure of brain functionalism function Darwin origin of species natural selection G Stanley Hall 1844 1924 child development adolescence James said we had adapted mental processes Illusion of movement optical illusions Mueller Lyer line illusion Max Wertheimer Birth of Gestalt psychology Perception of whole not parts Brain take in whole image then break it apart Psychoanalysis Humanistic response Freud 1856 1939 Humanistic Psychology reaction against Freud Psychoanalytic theory Unconscious mind idea Psychoanalysis Inherent pessimism Positive potential Abraham Maslow Carl Rogers clients not patients about future realizing full potential Psychology in 20th Century Behaviorism Study objective observable behavior Influenced by work of Ivan Pavlov John B Watson 1878 1956 B F Skinner 1904 1990 Conditioning infants Little Albert Conditioning chamber Believes in no free will only response to environment Advent of computers decline in behaviorism Information processing model system Looking at mental processes flowing in mind Cognitive psychology Remembering attending thinking believing evaluating feeling assessing Herman Ebbinghaus 1850 1909 Nonsense syllables for studying memory Used himself as test subject Inaccurate need to memorize info Sir Frederic Bartlett subjects given stories to remember memory expectations affect actual memory Jean Piaget 1896 1980 Cognitive errors in children Insight into the mind World War II how to train radar operators Required understanding of perception attention etc Donald Broadbent 1926 1993 Paying attention to several things once George Miller similarity in memory capacity 7 2 items remembered Cognitive Neuroscience Cognitive psychologists studied software of brain Karl Lashley 1890 1958 Train rats to run maze Remove parts of brain run maze again Wanted to find spot where memory occurs Scientists who followed Lashley developed area called behavioral neuroscience Social Cultural Perspectives interpersonal behavior Social psychology subfield that studies the causes consequences of Tripplet s bicycle study go faster around others Allport stereotyping racism prejudice Cultural psychology the study of how cultures reflect shape the psychological processes of their members Defining culture Modern Theoretical Perspectives 1 Psychodynamic analytic 2 Behavioral Learning 3 Humanistic 4 Cognitive 5 Sociocultural 6 Neuroscience 1 Psychodynamic analytical Freud Unconscious motives sex aggression determine behavior Focus still on unconscious motives also focus on development of self importance Early recognition a early experience b defense mechanism 2 Behavioral Persp Mid 20th century popular Focuses on what can be seen Behavior is result of environment no free will Pavlov Watson Skinner 3 Humanistic Persp Have free will self actualization steps Abraham Maslow Carl Rogers 4 Cognitive Persp Mental tasks memory attention Popular in 60s Piaget Information processing model Understanding thinking 5 Sociocultural Persp Relationship between behavior social settings Combines social cultural psychology a lot of people can have a large effect on 1 person 6 Biopsychology Neuroscience Persp Genetics hormones nervous system etc influences behavior Behavior thoughts feelings can change your body s health 7 Evolutionary Persp Biological basis of universal mental behavior Passed down from human to human Darwin Ethological perspective Adaptive behaviors

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