Modern Theoretical Perspectives Today no one theory dominates Different theories tend to focus on different aspects Helpful to have multiple theories as we try to understand behavior Eclectic use ideas from more than one 6 Key Theoretical Prespectives 1 Psychodynamic Freud s work modernized a Unconscious motives conflicts determine behavior b Explores development of self concept c Contributions Early recognition of i Role of early experiences on later behavior ii Possibility of unconscious impacting behavior iii Defense mechanisms 2 Behavioral focuses solely on things that can be seen versus psychodynamic unseen a Belief behavior is result of environment b Thought is not important Pavlov Watson Skinner Classical and operant conditioning 3 Humanistic a Why did it appear believe people have free will freedom to choose own destiny b Emphasizes human potential ability for all to become best possible self actualization c Maslow Rodgers 4 Cognition a Emphasizes how we know understand think about the world b Focuses on mental tasks thinking memory attention intel perception problem solving language and learning c When 50 60s d Jean Piaget Information processing model 5 Sociocultural b Combines a Focus on impact of social settings and expectations on behavior i Social psych groups roles expectations relationships ii Cultural psych cultural norms values expectations 6 Neuroscience bio psychological a Attempts to identify events in the body associated with behavior b Such as i Genetic influences ii Hormones iii Activity of the nervous system c Two ways behavior thoughts feelings can impact the body too 7 Evolutionary neuro subset a Attempts made to identify reasons for the mental and behavioral characteristics that are inherited b Assumption is that inherited behaviors exist because they are adaptive they contribute to survival and they get passed down 8 Advantages today Choices a Learn from others mistakes b Build on their successes c Pick and choose parts useful What is that called eclectic
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