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Abnormal Psychology The Biological Traditions mind 09 04 2012 The mind can create disease and the body can create disease in the Hippocrates abnormal behavior as a physical disease o Hysteria the wandering universe Two most important causes of psychiatric hospitalizaton in the 19th century and when did they cease o Pellagra and tertiary syphilis Able to deal with in the 1940s with penecillan o Pellagra revolves around a niacin vitamin b3 deficiency Amino acid found in soybeans meat poultry fish and Causes unusual psychological and behavioral symptoms Main cause for putting people in nursing homes dementia and eggs Alzheimer s Moral hospital movement was when they took people out of lousy hospitals and put them in therapeutic communities o Gave them simple jobs and it was like a second rate hotel Worked for a while then faded away and was lost When people don t get better they stay and then more people come and then the ones that don t get better also stay so the ones that can t be helped become the majority and then it was hard to get nurses and doctors to want to work there when they couldn t help 40 100 people had physical disorders that when those disorders were cleared were released because they were fixed psychologically as well of the 60 100 remaining people had really bad allergies it was better to let them out of the hospitals and give them community aides who help them to take their medication on time but no one funded the programs Failed homelessness developed 1 a year of people taking thorazine develop Psychoanalytic Theory shakes o Freudian theory of the structure and function of the mind o Stages of development oral anal phallic latency and genital stages Supergo conscience thinking driven by moral principles Ego mediator logical rational thinking driven by Id illogical emotional irrational driven by pleasure reality principle principle Neo Freudians deemphasized the sexual core of Freud s theory Humanistic theory o People are basically good strive towards self actualization normal socialization isn t ideal Behavioral model o Derived from a behavioral approach to the study of psychopathology o Learning theory was the heart of psych from 1920s 1970s o Classical conditioning Pavlov and Watson Contingency between neutral and unconditioned stimuli Challenged non scientific approaches o Joseph Wolpe and Arnold Lazarus systematic desensitization Lecture 2 9 6 2012 Classic Psychotherapy People go when things aren t going perfectly in their life o Don t know where to go or what to do Slows people down and puts things in perspective o Has them rethink how they got there You tube Movie Psychotherapist Carl Rodgers Counseling Gloria If he can create the perfect conditions and environment he can expect a psychiatric breakthrough with patient Questions to ask prior to therapy o Can he be real with the relationship Genuineness is a necessary quality comes out through communication Therapist feels in the relationship he wants nothing hidden and for the patient to be able to see right o Will I find myself caring for this person Cant pretend to like a through him client if you don t feel it Constructive change is more likely if he prizes cares for the patient as an individual Nonpossesive love o Will I be able to understand the inner world of the patient See it through her eyes Sensitive to her feelings and understand what its like to be her By letting himself enter into her world therapeutic movement and change is more likely If these questions are answered she will prize herself more more readily come out with the truth and listen to what she s saying herself o If she senses a realness in therapist she will sense a more realness in herself o There will be a change in her expression She will be able to sense and express what s going on with herself in the immediate moment o She will go from viewing life situations in black and white to seeing more details o She will recognize a greater capacity in herself to perceive and work through issues The upbringing of Rodgers had a standard of behavior to live up to was very loved but in a specific non contingent way Gloria just went through a divorce and feels like she is being judged by her 9 year old daughter when she has men over at the house o She wants to get over the guilt she feels for going to bed with o Feels like she is not a good mother when she works and a man while she s single doesn t give them time o Wants to be perfect o She wants to approve of herself but feels like her actions don t let her o PROFESSOR KARLINS thoughts He would have asked Gloria Have you really spent the time and energy to bring your thoughts and feelings about sexual morals and what children should be taught Is it too much for a daughter of 9 Rodgers would not agree with this he has a more indirect approach o Gloria only notices things are wrong when she picks it up in the children s eyes and then she realizes that she feels that way herself o Gloria wants to know if Rodgers feels that she should be open and honest to her children and if that will release her guilt without putting the bad feelings on her children Rodgers states that the person she is not being fully honest to is herself Gloria said If Gloria really feels alright with what she is done then she should be fine with telling her daughter So she wants to work on feeling alright and accepting her actions She doesn t know how to accept what she believes is a natural feeling but her head doesn t know if it is right She feels that if she is honest to her daughter and her daughter still loves and accepts her it will help her accept herself o Rodgers sits back and lets Gloria reach her breakthrough on her own by reflecting her thoughts back to her o Rodgers was a nondirective therapist You cant tell people what to do because they really know what they should do and you don t o Karlin believes that Rodgers should have asked about the relationship that Gloria shared with her daughter Should have been more direct and told her that her daughter is too young Thou shall not exploit thy patient Fears won t extinguish if something bad happens every time an event occurs o Pavlov The book claims that empirically supported theories are the best But the clinical trials have been biased If you have a strong belief that something will get them better a reasonable number of people will be excited and get better If a drug is safe there will always be original positive studies about it Because otherwise the drug

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