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AMINO ACIDS 1 Essential 9 Nonessential 11 Conditionally essential 6 PROTEIN COMPLEMENTATION combine 2 sources of energy to get all 9 essential INCOMPLETE PROTEIN protein sources that are missing 1 essential acids that make up a GMO foods derived from genetically modified organisms complete protein HOW PROTEINS ARE MADE 1 Cell signaling initiates protein synthesis Up regulation Down regulation Step 2 Transcription transfers genetic info Chromosomes and genes Messenger ribonucleic acid mRNA Step 3 Translation produces new peptide Ribosomes Transfer ribonucleic acid tRNA PROTEIN STRUCTURE 1 Primary structure Number and sequence of amino acids Critical to function of protein Sickle cell anemia 2 Secondary structure helix folded sheets 3 Tertiary Folding due to R group interactions 4 Quaternary process where proteins or nucleic acids lose the tertiary and secondary structure Gastrin HCl DIGESTION 1 digestion begins in mouth 2 Chemical digestion begins in the stomach very acidic Pepsin Breaks bonds between amino acids Mucus and other substances Disrupts secondary tertiary and quaternary structures Converts pepsinogen inactive form of pepsin to pepsin 2 continues in small intestine lumen enterocytes secretin CCK pancrease release bicarbonate proenzymes trypsin chymotrypsin elastase carbox

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