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Psychology Notes Course 11762 Ready Made Flashcards Chapter 12 Abnormality Any pattern of behavior that causes people significant distress causes them to harm themselves or others or interferes with their ability to function in daily life Four Characteristics of Statistically Rare Deviance from Abnormality Social Norms Personal Distress Interference with Normal Functioning Percent of adults that 40 suffer from a mental disorder per year How many people in the 44 million US suffer from a mental disorder How many 10 causes of Four out of top ten disability in the U S is from Psychological Disorders What is the most Depression prevalent of Psychological disorders Diagnostic and Statistical Contains each known disorder a Manual of Mental description symptoms checklist of Disorders DSM IV TR criteria and other relevant facts Divided into five parts Axes DSM IV TR Axes Axis I Clinical disorders Axis II Personality disorders and Mental Retardation Axis III General Medical conditions Rosenhan Study Pseudo patients could not be Axis IV Psychosocial and environmental problems Axis V Global Assessment of Functioning distinguished from regular patients Behaviors were viewed as abnormal because of contextual bias biological cause Also known as the medical model repressing undesirable thoughts memories and concerns through a series of rewards and punishments Models of Abnormality Approach to studying abnormal behavior Biological Models Psychological disorders have a Psychoanalysis Behavioral abnormality is the result of Behaviorism Abnormal behaviors are learned Cognitive perspective Abnormal behavior results from illogical thinking patterns Anxiety Disorders Unrealistic or excessive anxiety Sometimes can be tied to something specific fear but other time it cannot free floating anxiety Phobias Irrational fear that causes undue personal distress and or interferes with normal functioning Social Phobias Fear of interacting with others or being in a social situation Specific Phobias Fear of something in particular Obsessive Compulsive An anxiety disorder characterized by Disorder OCD unwanted repetitive thoughts obsessions and or actions compulsions Obsessions Intruding thoughts that occur again Compulsions Ritualistic behavior that reduces and again anxiety Panic Disorder Sudden onset of extreme panic impending sense of doom Generalized Anxiety Excessive anxiety and worry occur Disorder GAD more days than not for at least six Post traumatic Stress Anxiety disorder that develops after Disorder PTSD exposure to a traumatic event Characteristics of PTSD Flashbacks months that interferes with normal functioning and causes personal distress Can often lead to depression and other disorders oppressive situation abuse or disaster Emotionally avoidant Desensitization Exaggerated startle response Difficulty concentrating Apprehensive and nervous Impulsive outbursts sometimes aggressive Not everyone develops Some people may have a biological PTSD after a traumatic predisposition to develop PTSD after event Why is that trauma Psychoanalytic Approach Anxiety disorders are the result of repressed feelings and thoughts Behavioral Approach Anxiety disorders are learned over time feelings ruined pattern positive Cognitive Approach Anxiety disorders are the result of illogical irrational thinking patterns Magnification Exaggeration of events ideas All or nothing thinking Must be perfect or it s completely Overgeneralization Single negative event interpreted as a Minimization only look at the bad minimizing the Mood Disorders Disturbance in affect or emotion Also called affective disorders Mild Mood Disorders Dysthymia Cyclothymia Major Mood Disorders Major Clinical Depression Bipolar Dysthymia A moderate depression that lasts for Cyclothymia A cycling between sadness and Major Clinical Depression Deeply depressed mood that comes two years or more and is typically associated with some outside stressor happiness that lasts more than two years on fairly suddenly and is out of proportion with the circumstances surrounding it Bipolar disorder Cycling between manic episodes extreme happiness and depressive episodes Schizophrenia Long lasting psychotic disorder involving a break with reality Positive symptoms Hallucinations delusions Negative symptoms Flat affect catatonia social Disorganized Schizophrenia characterized by disturbances in thinking emotions behavior and perception disorganized thinking irrational thought word salad withdrawal lack of speech More difficult to treat Confused speech patterns vivid and frequent hallucinations inappropriate affect socially impaired with poor hygiene world Will not move for hours on end often staying in odd postures Totally on or off delusions often auditory in which they believe they are being persecuted or pursued Catatonic Schizophrenia Does not respond to the outside Paranoid Schizophrenia Suffers from hallucinations and Undifferentiated May shift from one type of schizophrenia to another Residual Schizophrenia After a major episode of schizophrenia that is over Person may return to somewhat normal but retain odd quirky symptoms What causes Probably multiple factors but strong schizophrenia evidence that it is a biological neurodegenerative disorder Dopamine Hypothesis Theory that it is excessive dopamine that causes schizophrenia Chapter 13 Psychotherapy talking about problems Biomedical therapy medical procedure Insight therapies Aimed at understanding motives and actions Action therapies Aimed at changing behavior Psychoanalysis Mental and behavioral problems are caused by conflicts between acceptable behavior and unacceptable unconscious desires Discovered by Sigmund Freud Dream analysis Unconscious mind emerges in dreams Free association Unconscious mind emerges in free flowing stream of ideas Resistance Patients unwilling to talk about certain things means that coming close to repressed material Transference Patient transfers feelings from childhood to therapist Humanistic Therapy Emphasizes free will self actualization and human nature as growth seeking experiences and motivations for behavior Discovered by Carl Rogers and Abraham Maslow Reflection Mirroring statements without interfering with the flow of ideas Unconditional positive Creating a completely accepting regard atmosphere Empathy Feeling what the client is feeling Authenticity Giving genuine open and honest Behavior Therapy An action therapy involving the use of responses learning techniques to change

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