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Chapter 3 Electronic Business E Business Systems TRUE FALSE 1 E Business is the application of electronic networks including the Internet to ex change information and link business processes among organizations and or indi viduals 2 Standing data is relatively permanent data stored in master data 3 Adding deleting or replacing standing data is called transaction processing 4 Master data are repositories of relatively permanent data maintained over an ex tended period of time 5 Data maintenance refers to the recording of business event data and transac 6 Information processing includes data processing functions related to accounting events internal operations and financial statement preparation 7 Immediate mode is the data processing mode in which there is significant delay between two data processing steps 8 Processes that include distribution manufacturing and accounting software oper ations are front office processes 9 Periodic mode is the data processing mode in which there can be a significant de lay between two data processing steps 10 Batch processing is the aggregation of several business events over some period of time with the subsequent processing of these data as a group by the informa tion system ANS T ANS T ANS F ANS T tions ANS F ANS T ANS F ANS F ANS T ANS T ANS F ANS T ANS T ANS T ANS F ANS T ANS F ANS F ANS T 11 A device that is not directly connected to the processing computer is referred to as an online device 12 In an OLTE system use of data entry devices allows business event data to be en tered directly into the information system at the time and place that the event oc curs 13 A computer configuration in which certain equipment is directly connected to the computer is said to be online 14 OLRT systems gather business event data at the time of occurrence update the master data essentially instantaneously and provide the results arising from the event within a very short amount of time 15 Batch mode is the data processing mode in which there is little or no delay be tween any two data processing steps 16 Client server technology is the physical and logical division between user ori ented application programs that are run at the user level and the shared data that must be available through a common database 17 VANs are communication networks that link together several different local user machines with printers databases and other shared devices 18 LANs are communication networks that link up distributed users and local net works into an integrated communication network 19 The Internet is a massive interconnection of computer networks worldwide that enables communication between dissimilar technology platforms 20 Web browsers are software programs designed specifically to allow users to view the various documents and data sources available on the Internet 21 A private data base service allows all subscribers to access and search external databases usually through the Internet or other network connection 22 SPAM is unsolicited non document mail that has largely been eliminated 23 A type of intranet which has been extended to limited external access is referred to as an extranet 24 E mail is the electronic transmission of nonstandardized messages between two individuals who are linked via a communications network 25 EDI is the capture storage management and control of electronic document im ages for the purpose of supporting management decision making and facilitating business event processing 26 EDM is the computer to computer exchange of business data in structured for mats that allow direct processing of those electronic documents by the receiving computer system 27 VAN service acts as the EDI postman 28 Internet commerce is computer to computer exchange of business event data in structured or semi structured formats via Internet communication that allows the initiation and consummation of business events 29 The benefits of electronic document management include improved staff produc tivity reduced cost of handling and storing paper and faster processing 30 Applications such as ANSI X12 and EDIFACT are referred to as transaction soft ANS T ANS F ANS F ANS T ANS T ANS F ANS F ANS T ANS T ANS T ware ANS F 31 Network providers are companies that provide a link into the Internet by making their directly connected networks available for access by fee paying customers 32 Internet assurance is a service provided for a fee to vendors in order to provide a limited endorsement to users of the vendor s web site that the site is in fact reli able and event data security is reasonable 33 The AICPA Internet assurance program that includes a certification and seal is called VeriSign ANS F 34 Electronic store fronts are Internet located resources for displaying goods and ser vices for sale and for conducting related sales transactions 35 Extranet auction markets provide an Internet base for companies to place prod ucts up for bid or for buyers to put proposed purchases up for bid 36 Internet market exchanges enable suppliers to put their products online by feed ing into electronic catalogs that sort through alternatives from different suppliers and electronically place an order MULTIPLE CHOICE 1 Back office functions include ANS D 2 A byproduct of e business is customer interface supplier interface purchasing accounting elimination of sales staff increase in accounting staff production of hard copy reports increased errors ANS T ANS T ANS T ANS F ANS T a b c d a b c d ANS A 3 Increased efficiency in the purchasing function from e Business includes 4 The vast majority of e Business is 5 By selling tickets over the Internet airlines have the seller soliciting pricing automatic price checking by the computer decreased electronic based business events none of the above business to customer customer to customer business to business none of the above increased commissions paid to travel agents been able to indirectly reach cus tomers been able to discontinue paying commissions to travel agents none of the above is from the collection and analysis of customer purchase data is known as shop at one location has increased inventory levels none of the above 6 Suggesting items to Internet customers based on their buying patterns 7 Online catalogs can be viewed through a n browser compiler plug in viewer a b c d a b c d a b c d a b c d a b c d ANS B ANS C ANS C ANS A 8 According to the text these represent the book of original entry 9 According to the text these are repositories of

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UMD BMGT 326 - Chapter 3—Electronic Business (E-Business) Systems

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