COMM 401 Maddux Exam 1 March 1 2012 Terms Rhetoric one good definition Rhetorical criticism o Discourse in general persuasive o Makes the bridge between the material world and words o Shapes our material world and our material world shapes rhetoric o Describe What do I see What is it made of What are the parts o Interpret What does it do How does it work o Evaluate how well does it do it Is it good bad beautiful ugly Likeable objectable Rhetorical Perspectivalism o Realist o Social constructionist discourse Rhetorical situation the contexts in which speakers or writers create rhetorical o Exigence something that can be changed o Audience the people being persuaded o Constraints what make the rhetorical task more difficult o Resources things that make the speech sound appealing to the audience o Persuasive field the place the persuasion is taking place the parts of speech nouns verbs etc be able to define them and recognize them in sentences Finite Verb Words that need to be conjugated Add the ed at the end of the word is this the action the subject is doing Verbs that carry action Non finite To be words or I am words ing word Noun style and verb style Hypotaxis Many ranking relationships Parataxis No ranking relationships If ranking relationships then there most likely compound or complex o Because this happened I did this would be ranking o Ex I went to the mall I got food no ranking Many simple sentences Polysyndeton Many connecting words underline connecting words Many and s Asyndeton Hardly any connections Linking with conjunctions is still asyndeton Anita Hill s 1991 rhetorical situation Robert F Kennedy s 1968 rhetorical situation Audience speaks to audience of potential voters mostly black Exigence has to be something that is changeable fear of riots emotion of racial tensions Bill Clinton s 1992 American Legion speech Rhetorical situation fact that he was young and running for president at the time no veteran experience and no international or foreign policy experience labeled as a draft dodger Exigence how he was being labeled how he was being labeled could change so giving speech to do that
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