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USA Neo Liberal Capitalism and the sport politics relation This relation in the US may not be as evident as in the Chinese and Rollerball examples Certainly the American political order is less authoritarian and autocratic Contemporary US is dominated by the inter relationship between political and economic interests government of the people for the people and by the people is this the case For much of the twentieth century politics was concerned with protected the populace from the exploitative and unequal aspects of industrial capitalism The core tenets of neo liberal democracy 1 Don t waste public money on social welfare social engineering programs 2 Provide more money to individuals through lessening the tax burden 3 Develop corporate business friendly anti union climate to stimulate economic growth through trickle down economics 4 Encourage the commercial privatization of all aspects of society 5 Let the free market become the regulator of economic and social development The neo liberal democracy is a political order one in which primacy is given to corporate business interests based on the philosophy that a free market encourages economic growth and development through all levels of society It s a corporate business oriented political order

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UMD KNES 287 - USA Neo-Liberal Capitalism

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