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M Ashcraft Water Soluble Vitamins o Are soluble in water o Eight B vitamins and vitamin C o Act primarily as co enzymes enable specific enzymes to function o Not stored in appreciable amounts except for vitamin B12 o Must be part of daily diet o Prolonged cooking not recommended o Particularly susceptible to destruction by heat or alkalinity o Very large amounts of some can be toxic Vitamin Absorption o Do not need lipoprotein carriers o Carried in watery compartments of the body blood stream o Excess consumed filtered by kidneys and excreted in urine o Exception Vitamin B12 can be stored more readily than others Maintaining Vitamins in Food o Vitamins in animal foods are consistently similar o Light air heat acid and alkali cooking fluids can attack vitamins The B Vitamins o coenzymes in metabolic reactions that produce energy o Processing of bread and cereal products removes much of B vitamin content o Enrichment adds most lost vitamins o Enrichment does not replace B6 magnesium zinc o Whole grains good source Thiamin Vitamin B1 o Functions coenzyme thiamin pyrophosphate TPP to release energy from carbohydrates glucose metabolism making of DNA RNA Nerve function synthesis of neurotransmitters Production of energy to fuel nerve tissue o Food sources Mainly in whole and enriched grains Pork legumes nuts liver o Deficiency rare Might be low with inadequate energy nutrient intake Beriberi I can t I can t in Singhalese Muscle weakness loss of appetite nerve degeneration poor coordination Occurs in people whose main source of energy is polished rice Alcohol interferes with its absorption Riboflavin Vitamin B2 flavin meaning yellow o Functions Coenzyme in energy metabolism Supports antioxidants o Deficiency Rare Ariboflavinosis inflamed tongue mouth sores o Food Sources alcoholics and long term use of barbiturate drugs M Ashcraft Light sensitive resists acid heat and oxidation Milk and dairy products Whole and enriched grains Highly bioavailable Niacin Vitamin B3 o Functions Coenzyme in energy metabolism Supports fatty acid synthesis o Sources Meat poultry fish nuts and peanuts Whole and enriched grains fortified cereals o Deficiency Can be manufactured in the body from tryptophan needs other Bs Niacin participates in just about every metabolic pathway in the body so effect is widespread Pellagra D s disease o Diarrhea o Dermatitis o Dementia o Death o Medicinal Uses Toxicity Used as a drug in high doses Toxicity seen 15 17x RDA Lower LDL cholesterol Raise HDL cholesterol UL 35mg day Vitamin B6 o 6 substances converted in liver to active coenzyme form of pyridoxine o Pyridoxal Phosphate PLP phosphate added in liver o Functions Protein metabolism Needed for transamination of non essential amino acids Without B6 all amino acids become essential and so must be in diet Blood cell synthesis White blood cells immune system Red blood cells hemoglobin Gluconeogenesis Neurotransmitters synthesis Together with folate and B12 may prevent heart disease o Deficiency of B6 microcytic hypochromic anemia RBCs are small and lack sufficient hemoglobin to carry oxygen Anemia Neurologic symptoms depression confusion convulsions Skin problems fortified cereals meats fortified meat substitutes o Sources o Deficiency is rare o Toxicity is rare may cause irreversible nerve damage M Ashcraft Folate Folic Acid o Functions Coenzyme in DNA synthesis and cell division RBC maturation and amino acid metabolism Increased requirement for women To reduce risk of neural tube defects spina bifida Adequate folate at conception is necessary Women of childbearing age need 400 micrograms day o Food sources Pregnant and lactating 600 500 Green leafy vegetables orange juice legumes Vulnerable to cooking and processing vit C might protect from oxidation Fortified cereals and enriched grains by regulation o Deficiency most common Neural tube defects spina bifida Megaloblastic anemia Prevents heart disease Prevents colon and breast cancer Possible causes Excessive dieting and eating disorders o Absorption requires R protein in saliva and pancreatic protease intrinsic factor in o Bioavailability inhibited by too little HCl malabsorption with prolonged anti acid Vitamin B12 stomach use o Functions Needed for normal folate function DNA and red blood cell synthesis Protective coating of nerve fibers o Dietary Sources Animal foods Adult liver stores large amounts of B12 Fortified foods o Deficiency Nerve damage o No known cases of toxicity Vitamin C Ascorbic Acid o Functions and in scar tissue Iron absorption from plant foods Antioxidant Immune function o Deficiency Scurvy Megaloblastic anemia need to properly ID symptoms to know if its folate or B12 r elated folate leads to cognitive symptoms B12 leads to neurological Parietal cells in stomach destroyed no intrinsic factor Main collagen synthesis Major protein in connective tissue which binds cells and tissues together Inability to synthesize collagen Gums and joints bleed weakness small hemorrhages around hair follicles Previously healed scars open bone pain fractures diarrhea depression M Ashcraft Fat Soluble Vitamins o Enrichment add back lost nutrients o Fortification add extra nutrients Fat Soluble Vitamins o Vitamins A D E K o Absorbed like fat into lymphatic system o Stored in larger quantities o Toxicities may occur Fat Soluble Vitamin Absorption o Absorbed in small intestinal cells along with triglycerides o Carried by lipoproteins Storage and Toxicity o accumulate in the liver and adipose tissue o Excessive intakes of A and D can be toxic Vitamin A retinol o Active forms of vit A Carotenoids Beta carotenoids Yellow orange red pigment in fruit and vegetables o Functions Component of rhodopsin in the rod cells of the retina Cell differentiation Stimulates maturation of stem cells Immune Function Epithelial cells and mucous membrane integrity Vision Generation of T lymphocytes Reproduction Alters bone remodeling and development Produces sperm in men and maintains fertility in women o Food Sources Vegetable beta carotene pro vitamin A Dark green and yellow orange vegetables Liver egg yolks fish oils milk fat o Toxicity 5x the requirements Through supplement use Children and pregnant women most vulnerable o Deficiency Early Night blindness Severe Xerophthalmia Leading cause of blindness in children worldwide Caused by Liver disease malabsorption Vitamin D o Sunshine vitamin o Made in the skin from cholesterol when UV light hits the skin M Ashcraft o Activated in liver and

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