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Chapter 1 EXAM 1 STUDY GUIDE The oldest sex manual known to the world was from the Greco Roman era called The Art of Love It was written by a woman and was a guide of all matters pertaining to sex including sexual positions aphrodisiacs abortifacients and cosmetics to enhance attraction The Kama Sutra is another book about sex It s from ancient India It addresses the priorities of life which includes marrying and reproducing The book talks about lovers attraction sexual desires and depicts many sexual positions Sexuality a dimension of our personality that encompasses our sexual beliefs attitudes values behavior and knowledge Integrates the physical emotional social and cultural experiences of our lives The Three Domains 1 Biological male and female anatomy and physiology gender hormones sexual health sexual orientation and genetics 2 Psychological social and emotional aspects of sexuality including interpersonal relationships intimacy gender identity sexual attitudes decisions and sexual health 3 Cultural social identity race religion media education Social Identity Theory how people identify themselves through the social groups to which they belong such as a racial or ethnic group their friends and their families This relates to sexuality because all of these aspects influence how individuals understand and practice their sexuality Collectivist cultures individuals define their identities in terms of the relationships they hold with others The needs of the group are considered more important than the needs of the individual Members strive to be equal and they have a feeling of duty to society Ex Japan Latin America China Individualistic cultures people define their identity or sense of self in terms of personal attributes and promote individual over group goals People view themselves as separate entities from society Ex United States Spirituality the depth to which a feels connected with the world around them An examination of oneself with the purpose of reaching enlightenment Religiosity a system of beliefs and practices adhered in order to achieve spirituality Contains a moral code Ancient Greek was very sexually liberal It was a culture of wild indulgences of sex and homosexuality Homosexual relationships were socially accepted between an adult man and a male youth Greek males viewed their wives only as suitable for raising children not as someone with whom to have sex They went to whore houses for sex Sex was a form of power and was separate from love Ancient India was very focused upon the spirituality of sex and had a patriarchal society Open about sex China in 200 B C was very open with sex and had sexual instruction manuals and aphrodisiacs Men had many wives and the basic unity of life tao said that men yang should be in prolonged contact with the female orgasm yin Not against homosexuality but thought it was a waste At the end of the Roman Empire 354 CE sex became very restrictive Christianity exhorted that sex outside of marriage and homosexuality was a sin Lust was also deemed as a sin Celibacy was ideal Sex for pleasure was wrong Very harsh views of sex During the Middle Ages people were concerned with faith and sex was only acceptable between a man and a woman The woman must be submissive and sex must only be for procreation The world demanded chastity Sex was taught as an evil Men were told when they could and could not have sex with their wives During the Victorian Age any activity outside of marriage was prohibited and people were very conservative Women were chaste and sex was looked down upon They were not expected to enjoy sex The Comstock Act prohibited mailing obscene writing or ads including contraceptive information or nudity 70 000 citizens signed to repeal it but is it still in play today However it was changed to remove the part about contraceptives Margaret Sanger violated this act to give information about birth control Public outraged caused her case to be dropped Vibrators were first invented for a therapeutic massager for men 1900 s began the sexual revolution Stonewall Riot police raided stonewall a gay bar and they resisted for the first time Sparked intense discussions about gay liberation 1969 Chapter 2 Sigmund Freud Studied sexual development sexual orientation and sexual behaviors Sex drive is an important life force Sexuality begins after birth psychosexual development Two drives 1 Libido energy or force sexual drive 2 Thanatos death drive Three guiding identities 1 Id the unconscious instinctual seeks immediate pleasure 2 Ego reality principle rational 3 Superego the conscience Erogenous zones the mouth anus penis and vagina Alfred Kinsey Studied sexual behavior in males and females Believed that in order to understand human sexuality it was necessary to not only study case histories but to look at research in the social sciences law education the arts music and literature as well He developed the sexual orientation scale He created the sexuality that we know today He was a huge force in bringing homosexuality out of the closet and helped start the feminist movement He published Sexual Behavior in the Human Male in 1948 and Sexual Behavior in the Human Female in 1953 Master s and Johnson Studied physiological responses to sexuality and the diagnosis and treatment of sexual disorders They did not rely on case histories and interviews to gather information instead they provided laboratory evidence by using EKG and polygraph machines First text book Human Sexual Response Sexual Response Model excitement plateau orgasm resolution Bonfenbrenner s Ecological Model Not only does the environment influence the individual but the individual influences the environment There are individual influences such as race genetics health etc Cultural context Media Politics Education Religion Government Family Neighborhood and the individual all impact how he or she views sexuality Sexuality is the result of many interacting cultural influences Instruments for measuring human sexuality electrocardiograph heart rate electromyography vaginal lubrication penile strain gauge erections ultrasound MRI photoplethysmograph Ethical concerns safety informed consent privacy and confidentiality and injury Validity accuracy of research Reliability consistency of research Generalizability ability of a sample to be applicable to a Volunteer bias when a sample contains only volunteers who are population willing to participate Social desirability tendency of participants to

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