Gerontology September 19 2012 Romantic Relationships Marriage The Empty Nest Long Term Relationships Remarriage The Empty Nest Myth or reality MOST DO NOT Parents experience depression when their children leave home Reality of the Empty Nest Generally a positive time Greater freedom opportunity Satisfaction increases privacy time together Other factors ex poor marital quality contribute to negative experience Do all nests stay empty Boomerang children Who comes back Sons Never married Separated or divorced Financial crisis What makes a successful marriage Sense of commitment Intimacy balanced with autonomy Communication Effective conflict management Issues in Long Term Marriage Responding to chronic disease Family care giving responsibilities Loss of loved one What happens to marriage in later life Marital satisfaction peaks in late adulthood Why Fewer stressful responsibilities ex childrearing Increased fairness in the relationship Increased time together Greater emotional understanding emotion regulation Gay and Lesbian Partnerships Long term partnerships sustained in period of hostility discrimination Most in happy fulfilling relationships Good health Effective coping with changes in late life Flexible gender roles Midlife and Late Life Divorce Why do people divorce in later life Men Lack of shared interests activities Women Emotional distance poor communication Implications of late life divorce Often more traumatic Related to opportunities for remarriage Financial implications particularly for women The Dating Game Little research Rates tend to decline with age Women less likely to date than men Focus on companionship intimacy Increased options from Remarriage Low rates in late adulthood Why Women Probability of remarriage decreases with age Often more stable than remarriage at younger age Cohabiting Seniors Reasons Seniors Cohabit Maintain autonomy protect adult children Tax disincentives Loss of military and pension benefits Fear of incurring liability for partner s medical expenses Credit rating protection Separation of current debt Changing sexual attitudes Internet dating pharmaceuticals Viagra
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