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STUDY GUIDE FOR NUTR 23511 EXAM 1 Enrichment fortification Enrichment refined grain products Replaces lost vitamins and minerals when germ is removed during processing Fortification vitamins and minerals added Food Additives chemical substances added to food to enhance flavor color texture cooking properties shelf life or nutrient content Must be listed on the ingredient label COOL Rule USDA requires retailers to display a country of origin label on certain products to expand informed consumer choices and to help track down food borne illnesses MyPlate pros cons Pros encourages healthy eating easy proper ratios safe well balanced Cons doesn t reduce overall food consumption hard to customize doesn t accommodate for special diets Nutrition Label Standards Fresh raw not frozen or heated and contain no preservatives Lean fewer than 10g of fat Extra lean fewer than 5g of fat High 20 or more of the daily value for a particular nutrient Low Cholesterol 20mg or less cholesterol Low fat 3g or less fat Low saturated fat 1g or less sat fat and 5g or less trans fat Dish Diet Has specific smaller plates and bowls and utensils to prevent over consumption National Health Nutrition Examination Survey NHANES a program of studies designed to assess the health and nutritional status of adults and children in the United States The survey combines interviews and physical examinations Healthy People 2020 identifies national health priorities and guides to increase the quality and years of healthy life and eliminate health disparities Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2010 provide advice to help people attain and maintain a healthy weight reduce the risk of chronic disease and promote overall health through diet and physical activity Food irradiation kills insects bacteria mold and other microorganisms Does not make food radioactive Unsaturated fats found in plant products Tend to lower blood cholesterol levels Nutrient dense empty calorie energy dense Nutrient dense high levels of nutrients and relatively low calorie value Empty calorie energy dense foods that are nutrient poor or contain low levels of nutrients given their caloric value Energy dense relatively high calorie values per unit weight of the food Diabetes hypertension stroke disease diabetes abnormal utilization of glucose by the body and elevated blood glucose levels Hypertension high blood pressure Stroke the event that occurs when a blood vessel in the brain suddenly ruptures or becomes blocked cutting off blood supply to a portion of the brain Inflammation the first response of the body s immune system to infectious agents toxins or irritants Free radicals oxidative stress free radicals chemical substances that are missing electrons which makes it prone to oxidizing nearby molecules by stealing electrons from them Can damage lipids proteins DNA cells and tissues Oxidative Stress a condition that occurs when cells are exposed to more oxidizing molecules free radicals than to antioxidant molecules that neutralize them Low sodium 140mg or less of sodium Food security insecurity terrorism Food security access to sufficient supply of safe nutritious food Food insecurity limited availability of safe nutritious food or the ability to acquire it in socially acceptable ways Food Terrorism food and water could be used to intentionally spread illness What are the nutrients carbs simple sugars proteins fats vitamins minerals water Malnutrition poor nutrition that results from both inadequate and excessive availability Calculate the conversion of lbs to kg or kg to lbs 1kg 2 2lbs of calories and nutrients in the body Diet in relations to chronic illnesses faulty diets can lead to higher risk of chronic illnesses Adequate fluid intake is Discussed in class that adequate fluid consumption is 11 15c per day Trans fats type of unsaturated fat present in hydrogenated oils shortening margarine pastries increase risk of heart disease 100 Organic Organic etc 100 organic contain entirely organically produced ingredients Organic at least 95 organic ingredients Made with organic ingredients at least 70 organic ingredients Some organic ingredients less than 70 organic ingredients Saturated Fats fats that raise blood cholesterol levels and risk for heart disease solid at room temp found in animal products Cholesterol a fat soluble colorless liquid primarily found in animals GRAS generally recognized as safe RDA Recommended Dietary Allowances needed to prevent deficiency disease Antioxidants chemical substances that prevent or repair damage to cells caused by oxidizing agents such as pollutants ozone smoke and reactive oxygen Phytochemicals chemical substances in plants Some perform important functions in the human body Nonessential essential nutrients Nonessential we can produce them ourselves Essential required in the diet Conversion of grams ounces 1oz 28g Tolerable Upper Intake Levels total daily levels of nutrient intake from food that should not be exceeded due to the potential for toxicity reactions AMDR Acceptable Macronutrient Distribution Ranges the guidelines that indicate percentages of total caloric intake that should consist of carbohydrate protein and fat

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