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Test 2 1 Cerebral spinal fluid is made up of A Choroid plexus 2 Thin filaments are made up of A Actin A Greatest A Ganglion cells segment 3 Myelinated fiber of 10 um diameter would be the 4 Which of the following cell types in the retina capable of generating an action potential 5 Process of salatory action potentials propagation A Action potenials is triggered by graded potentials depolarization of the initial B At threshold sodium channels begin to open rapidly C Local currents depolarize a sensitive spot distant from active zone 6 Graded potentials A May be either depolarization or a hyperpolarization 7 Organ of corti is found in the A Coclea 8 Threshold for an action potential A It is more positive than resting potential 9 Responds to painful stimuli A Free nerve endings 10 First step in process of photoreceptors A Absorption of light by visual pigment 11 Inhibitory postsynaptic potentials IPSP A are local hyperpolarization 12 when exposed to light cell membrane of photoreceptor cell is A hyperpolarized 13 look up steps of generation of action potential 14 bitter taste is stimulated in taste buds 15 neurotransmitters are stored in the A alkaloids A vesicle 16 This is not important in maintaining resting membrane potentials A Voltage gated Na channels 17 Am ion channel that are always open are regulated channels 18 Site of intercellular communications between neurons is A synapse 19 Not involved in creating resting potential of a neuron A Membrane permeability for sodium ions greater than potassium ions 20 Before an olfactory receptor can detect an odorant it has to bind to receptors in olfactory cilia 21 NERVE CELL is not an example of a neurotransmitter junction 22 Receptor for water soluble chemical messengers are found in the A Plasma membrane 23 SOMATIC nervous system controls the skeletal muscles 24 EPSP excitatory postsynaptic potentials occur when A Extra sodium ions enter the cell 25 Ventral rot of spinal nerve contains A Axons of motor neurons 26 What happens to myosin head after it hydrolyses ATP A Binds to actin forming a cross bridge 27 Sensory information is processed and relayed to the cerebrum by the A Thalamus 28 External force bends to the sterocilia of a hair cells in the inner ear A There is a change in membrane potentials of hair cell 29 Lipid soluble chemical messengers A Affect rates of gene transcription 30 Sarcomere A Repeating unit of striated myofibrils 31 Spinal nerves are A Both sensory and motor 32 Pumping calcium out of the sarcoplasmic reticulum does not use ATP 33 Neurotransmitters are used at neuromuscular junction 34 Provides the principal link between nervous and endocrine 35 Which structure in the inner ear is responsible for hearing A Acetylcholine A Hypothalamus A Cochlea 36 Frequency pitch of a perceived sound depends on A Which part of the basilar membrane is stimulated 37 Efferent division of the peripheral nervous system innervates 38 Part of the brain responsible for coordinating movements and controlling balance A Smooth muscle B Heart muscle gland C Skeletal muscle gland D Glandular gland 39 Neurons from the afferent division of PNS A Cerebellum A Sensory 40 Binds ATP A Myosin heads 42 Dorsal root of spinal nerve contains A Axons of sensory neurons 43 Agonist A Gap junctions connect the cells 45 Fluid that fills cochlear duct A Enolymph 41 Calcium triggers the release of neurotransmitters into synaptic cleft A Substance that competes with a chemical messenger for a receptor and initiates same response as chemical messenger 44 Cardiac muscle cells can transmit action potentials one to another 46 gravity and linear acceleration are detected in the A utricle and sacule 47 action potentials can only travel one way because A portion of the axon behind the action potential is refractory period 48 How many neurons are in a pathway from the CNS to the effector organ in ANS 49 Opening of sodium channels in axon membrane causes A 2 A Depolarization 50 Visual pigments in rods A Rhodopsin open A cGMP A ampullae 52 skeletal muscle fiber is controlled by a motor neuron at a single A neurotransmitter junction 53 sensory receptors of semicircular canals are located in 54 TROPONIN MOLECULES covers myosin binding sites of A G active when a muscle fiber is at rest 55 An adrenergic synapses release the neurotransmitters A Norepinephrine 51 Ligand that binds to cation channels in photoreceptors cells and causes them to remain 56 Potassium permeability of a resting neuron increases above resting permeability what effect will this have on the trans membrane potential A The inside of the membrane will be come more negative 57 Damage to the ependymal cells would affect what A Formation of cerebrospinal fluid 58 The rapid rise and fall in force produced by a muscle fiber after a single action potential 60 Skeletal muscle fibers differ from typical cells in that muscle fibers look up the A A twitch 59 Cardiac muscle cells A Cannot undergo tetanic contractions answer A Have many nucleic B Lack a plasma membrane C Lack mitochondria D Are very small E Both B and C 61 Which of the following best describes the term sarcomere look up answers A Thin filaments are anchored here B Repeating unit of striated myofibrils C Protein that accounts for elasticity of resting muscle D Storage site for calcium E Largely made of myosin molecules 62 Which of the following structures below stores Calcium A Sarcoplasmic reticulum 63 Receptors for acetylcholine are located on the A Motor end plates 64 At rest active sites on the actin are blocked by A Trepomyosin molecules 65 The axons of neurons that innervate regions of smooth muscle cells divide into branches that contain swollen regions called 66 Each skeletal muscle fibers differ from a typical cells in that muscle fibers have A Varicosities A Many nuclei 67 Each skeletal muscle fiber is controlled by a motor neuron at a singe A Neuromuscular junction 68 Cross bridges aer portions of A Myosin molecules 69 At rest the tropomyosin molecule is held in place by A Troponin molecules 70 Cardiac muscle cells can transmit action potentials one to another because A Gap junctions connect the cells 71 Which skeletal muscle is repeatedly stimulated the tension the fiber develops eventually 72 Interactions between actin and myosin filaments of the sarcomere are responsible for decreases This is called A Muscle fatigue A Muscle contraction

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U of A BIOL 2213 - Test 2

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