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PIAGET UNDERESTIMATED Synaptogenesis myelination and brain growth conitue in early childhood 1 Synaptogenesis Synapses connections between neurons Synaptogenesis process of synapses development The formation of synapses between neurons in the nervous system Although it occurs throughout a healthy person s lifespan an explosion of synapse formation occurs during early brain development Synaptogenesis is particularly important during an individual s critical periods of life during which there is a certain degree of neuronal pruning due to competition for neural growth factorsby neurons and synapses The term synaptogenesis refers to the process that occurs when a new synapse is created within the central nervous system of an organism The literal meaning of synapse is to clasp In less abstract terms the synapse is where the end of one nerve cell or neuron meets another Specifically the synapse is where the end of the axon of one neuron meets the dendrite or cell body of the other cerebral cortex is a brain structure in vertebrates including humans It is the outermost layer of the cerebrum and has a grey color The cerebral cortex surrounds the rest of the brain resembling half of a shelled walnut It is the largest most complex brain structure accounting for 85 of the brains weight and containing the greatest number of neurons and synapses 2 Cortex 3 Myelin The coating of neural fibers with an insulating fatty sheath called myelin that improves efficiency of message transfer Process in neuronal development in which sheathes made of a substance called myelin gradually recover individually axons and electrically insulate them from one another to improve the conductivity of the nerve Myelin is a dielectric electrically insulating material that forms a layer themyelin sheath usually around only the axon of a neuron It is essential for the proper functioning of the nervous system Myelin is an outgrowth of a glial cell Schwann cells supply the myelin for peripheral neurons whereas oligodendrocytes specifically of the interfascicular type myelinate the axons of the central nervous system 4 Reticular formation reticular formation is a region in the brainstem that is involved in multiple tasks such as regulating the sleep wake cycle and filtering incoming stimuli to discriminate irrelevant background stimuli Part of the brain that regulates attention 5 Babinski and Moro reflexes a a reflex action in which the big toe remains extended or extends itself when the sole of the foot is stimulated b startle reflex a normal reflex of young infants a sudden loud noise causes the child to stretch out the arms and flex the legs 6 Kwashiorkor type of malnutrition with controversial causes but it is commonly believed to be caused by insufficient protein intake It usually affects children aged 1 4 years although it also occurs in older children and adults 7 Micronutrient and macronutrient malnutrition a deficiency of iron certain vitamins and or minerals may lead to social language development b leading death cause for kids under age of 5 diet that contains too few calories linked to scitzophrenia 8 SIDS Sudden infant death syndrome a phenomenon in which an apparently healthy infant dies suddenly and unexpectedly Factors that cause sleeping position stomach soft bedding over hearing winder too cold smoking mother before and after birth premature birth respitory infection abnormality in brain less likely to wake up when breathing stops obesity physical act 9 Mortality rates 7 1000 babies die before age 1 in America Asian American 5 1000 White 5 9 1000 Native American 9 1 1000 Native hawians 9 1000 African Americans 13 9 1000 10 Immunization shots children receive full ray hepatitis DTP minimal of shots needed diphtheria throat infection tetnis muscle pertitis coughing seizures Flu shot vaccine for polio and measeles chicken pox shot 11 Sensorimotor stage Piaget s first stage of development in which children use their senses and motor actions to learn about the world Substage 1 birth 1month excersizing his reflexes schemes what you learn from the reflexes 12 Primary secondary tertiary circular reactions Primary Piaget s phase to describe a baby s simple repetitive actions in sub stage 2 1 4 months of the sensorimotor stage organized around the baby s own body Exploring own body hearing sound and looking towards it can track objects with eyes Secondary repetitive actions in sub stage 3 4 8 months of the sensorimotor period oriented around external objects Baby now extends out to the environment so behaviors face the outside world EX baby babbling to get parents attention dropping object and waiting for someone to pick it up and if they don t then child gets mad Substage 4 8 12 months Means extend behavior takes an object and moves it to the side to make room for another object Tertiary the deliberate experimentation with variations of previous actions that occurs in sub stage 5 12 18 months of the sensorimotor period Infant takes object and explores them EX dropping ball Substage 6 18 24 months mental images object permanence can hold objects people in his mind Purposeful behavior carried out in pursuit of a specific goal 13 Means end behavior 14 Learning The acquisition of knowledge or skills through experience study or by being taught 15 Nativist behaviorist interactionist perspectives on language development N Chomsky Slobin argued that the only possible explanation for such errors was that children acquire grammer rules before they master the exceptions to them Childrens comprehension and production of language are guided by an innate language processor that he called the language acquisition device which contains the basic grammatically structure of all human language Tells infants what characteristics of language to look for in the stream of speech to which they are exposed Breaked it instead of broke it B Skinner begins with babbling make sounds that resemble to real words as spoken by their parents then parents hear and praise encourage them reinforcement I believed that language is a broader process of cognitive dev It is influenced by both internal and external factors Infants are born with some kind of biological preparedness to pay more attention to language than to other kinds of information Second they argue that rather than having a neurological module that is specific to language the infant s brain has a generalized set of tools that it employs across all of the sub domains of cognitive

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