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NSD 225 1 Difference between major minerals There are 6 Calcium Phosphorus Magnesium Sodium Potassium Chloride 2 Why is a minerals called a Major mineral They are essential no calories need to make bones active enzymes Also need it in larger amounts 3 How many calories per gram in minerals ZERO 4 What are electrolytes They are involved in fluid metabolism Minerals that have Sodium Potassium Chloride 5 Best food source of zinc Beef is the best food source of Zinc animal food sources 6 What helps you absorb iron from your diet Vitamin C intake 7 What decreases the absorption of iron from diet 8 What s the best food source of iron Liver is the best with oysters and shell fish 9 Difference between sea salt and table salt Is it better than table salt No Sea salt is sold as containing iodine FALSE Sea salt doesn t have iodine Table salt is iodized 10 Main function of Iodine It is a thyroid hormone that influences the overall body metabolism and basal metabolism 11 Main function of Zinc Needed for growth and sexual maturation 12 Main function of Fluoride Part of the bones and teeth 13 Osteoporosis how do you prevent it Eating more calcium Women get it more because they don t eat enough calcium pregnancy lactation smaller less bones and live longer than men What is the age when you want to prevent it 25 14 Chloride deficiency What does it cause 15 Calcium supplement that contains calcium carbonate such as TUMS how many mg of calcium are actually in a calcium carbonate supplement 40 is calcium 16 Absorption of iron Poorly absorbed 5 10 of iron in food is absorbed 17 Good source of potassium Potatoes orange juice bananas Too much or too little potassium can cause cardiac arrest not from foods but from supplements Too much potassium abnormal heartbeat Are there many good food sources of potassium Yes 18 Main function of magnesium Part of bone and muscle enzyme activator transmission of nerve impulses 19 Best food sources of iron Liver is the best with oysters and shell fish 20 Main function of chromium Acts as a cofactor for insulin and is needed for maintaining normal glucose metabolism Chromium in humans declines with age 21 Food sources of Phosphorous Most functions than any other minerals when absorbed Present in nearly all foods and especially milk products liver and other Foods highest in sodium are soy sauce fast food tomatoes soup pickles food protein sources 22 Food sources of Sodium ham chips etc 23 Where are getting most of your salt from Processed foods 24 Does high salt intake cause high blood pressure No 25 How can you lower high blood pressure Diet and exercise 26 What supplements are recommended during pregnancy Foods dietary supplements What do you absolutely need to supplement Folic acid What nutrient doubles during pregnancy Intake of what nutrient should Pregnancy requires only 300 extra kcal per day during the second and double Folate folacin third trimesters Vegetarian women need to plan their diets carefully for enough protein Vitamin B 12 calcium iron and calories Foliate RDA is over twice non pregnant RDA supplements are often Need Zinc to grow B 12 for RBS calcium phosphorus mg for bones NO ALCOHOL DURING PREGNANCY risk factor 27 What happens to your BMR basil metabolic rate as you age As you age it goes up slows down The younger you are the faster your prescribed metabolism 28 Four reasons why adolescence are not well fed Skip breakfast Poor choice of snacks Avoid milk because they think it is fattening Fear of becoming fat Use of fad diets especially by girls 29 What happens if children or anyone skips breakfast Can t concentrate bad test taking skills doesn t get enough nutrients If you miss breakfast can you make up nutrients missed No 30 Do teens and or adolescence need snacks Yes 90 snack and can do eat up to six times a day 31 Which foods should be added first to infants diet after breast milk Rice cereal and then strained veggies and fruit 32 Eating disorders becoming fat overweight People with anorexia have weight loss distorted body image and fear of People with bulimia eat secretly and then purge They may be normal or Both disorders may fast exercise to extreme vomit use laxatives diet pills diuretics or saunas Anorexia and bulimia can be seen in combination in some people who eat up to 20 000 calories per day purge and fast 33 How many months can you use breastfeeding alone Breast milk alone is sufficient to support optimal growth and development for approximately the first 6 months after birth 34 During pregnancy what happens if the mother drinks alcohol Fetal alcohol syndrome which results in poor growth when baby is in womb and after birth decreased muscle tone and poor coordination delayed development heart defects structural problems 35 What s in human milk breast milk that s so good for the child It contains anti infection immune agents that can t be duplicated in formula 36 Children should be persuaded to eat their plate clean True or false FALSE there are starving children 37 Overweight school age child what should you persuade them to do Go play outside 38 Foods that are most likely to cause allergies in children Nuts egg soy milk wheat 39 Older people having problem with teeth dentures what should they be given Fluoride 40 Older people how can they get protein milk if they have dentures Don t eat chewy things get something that gives proteins and nutrients that is soft 41 Older people and aspirin Doctors are telling them to take baby aspirin everyday Supposedly this prevents heart problems and heart attacks but it also may cause bleeding in the stomach So we say that you don t need so much iron as you grow older but it may increase the need for iron if you re bleeding because of the aspirin 42 Are their changes associated with aging Increased appetite or not No 43 Function of water of food We are 60 water We take in water by drinking eating and breakdown Most of water is inside cells Solvents lubricants chemical RXNs all regulate body temperature 44 Does bottled water usually contain fluoride No not unless it says that it does 45 How many calories in water ZERO 46 Is sugar the cause of hyperactivity NO but it has been proven that caffeine is 47 Complex carbohydrates Bread cereal pasta and any vegetable 48 Thirst can be used for water intake for whom You drink water is that enough No because their sweating a lot more need more than average person 49 Goiter is associated with inadequate intake of what 50 Cancer guidelines has any herbal

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