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Paleolithic When beginning 10 000 b c e Called Old Stone Age Earliest evidence of art from caves First to 1 Recognize human form in natural objects 2 Create sculpture in the round 3 Depict human like animals 4 Symbolize human role in natural world 5 Use clay in a kiln technological innovation 6 7 Draw in narrative form 8 Draw human and animal interaction 9 Use performance art 10 Use relief sculpture Incorporate hunting with art interpretative leap Most known for a Over sexualizing female anatomy hips breasts and genitalia b Abstract faces c Painting animals d Sculpting nude woman 95 Neolithic When 10 000 4 500 b c e Called New Stone Age First to 1 Domesticate animals and plants still hunt 2 Build abodes 3 Build walls around homes 4 Quarry and use stone to build 5 Separate home and church 6 Transport rock to build 7 Commute to practice ritual 8 Build post lentil 9 Build megaliths 10 Draw plans and sections 11 Build corbelled domes Most known for a Mound settlements b Bull imagery c Individualistic faces more specific d Bury sculptures in death Similarities include Animal imagery Paleolithic Animals Neolithic Animals and humans Sculpture Paleolithic Sexual naked woman Neolithic Individuals of all age and gender feature specific detailed Mesopotamia When 4 500 300 b c e Sumer Akkad Assyria Sumer When 4 500 2 300 b c e Ur Lagash and Uruk Shift to city states Organized gods and government More organized religion More technology First to 1 Record and document on clay tablets 2 Create a form of writing 3 Separate religion from home 4 Have strict hierarchy 5 Use cylinder seals 6 Use friezes 7 Use hierarchy of scale 8 Build ziggurats Most known for 1 Use of lapis lazuli 2 Building raised ziggurats 3 Devotional statues in homage pose with big eyes Similarities include Sculpture Paleolithic Sexual naked woman Neolithic Individuals of all age and gender feature specific detailed Mesopotamia All in same pose with big eyes Akkad When 2 300 1 400 b c e Neolithic and Mesopotamia had corbel Architecture vaulting Animals All used bull imagery All used animals with human characteristics and humans with animal characteristics Lagash Babylon Sumerian culture with a different language and few different customs First to 1 Compare rulers to gods 2 Start to use bronze Lost wax process 3 Have a statue with a blue print in it s lap 4 Have a written form of law 5 Create steles Most known for Idealistic statues to reinforce power 1 2 Building bigger ziggurats 3 Use of diorite Similarities include All use bull imagery Friezes Sumer Clean cut Akkad Natural Assyria When 1 400 300 b c e More central rule First to 1 Connect palace to ziggurat 2 Use crenellation 3 Influence Greece 4 Use columns Most known for 1 Building lamassus 2 Relief art Similarities include Relief art with Paleolithic Bull imagery with all Crenellation now decorative Egypt When 2 600 323 b c e Late Egyptian Art 715 332 BCE Old Kingdom When 2 600 2 100 b c e First to 1 Allow translation by Jean Franco Champollion 2 Have architecture become a symbol of in 1822 royalty 3 Emphasize importance of afterlife 4 Build necropolises Most known for 1 Rosetta Stone 2 Lack of living knowledge versus death knowledge 3 Mastaba pyramids 4 Papyrus plants 5 Idealistic sculptures of royalty versus painted realistic sculptures of lower class 6 Engaged columns Similarities include Structure Mesopotamia Stele Old Kingdom Palette All use bull imagery Use friezes Use hierarchy of scale Use of diorite like Akkad Middle Kingdom When 1 975 1 640 b c e First to 1 Build rock cut tombs Most known for 1 Free standing columns Similarities include Sculpture shifts back to more realistic New Kingdom When 1 539 1 075 b c e First to 1 Use clerestory architecture 2 Use hypostyle halls 3 Have ruler live in temple complex 4 Use fresco secco painting 5 Shift toward monotheistic Sun God Akton 6 Produce an unplundered tomb Howard Carter 7 Create a scroll on papyrus paper Most known for Similarities include 1 Using rulers face and feature in a god statue 2 Geometric shape use 3 Sun imagery 4 Naturalism 5 Secrecy in burials Sculptures of rulers similar to Old Kingdom Sculpture of others Old Kingdom natural form realistic New Kingdom Perfect block body not realistic Paintings similar to Old Kingdom Narrative style paintings like Paleolithic

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LSU ARTH 1440 - Paleolithic

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