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Interpersonal Family Relations Final Exam Study Guide COMPREHENSIVE Topics from Exam 1 and family values In recent years people have been postponing marriage and parenthood Family decline perspective notes that there has been a serious breakdown in marriage Cohabitation has become mainstream and marriage is being further delayed Economic trends cultural changes can attribute to family change Over the past 40 years fertility in the US has declined A household is now broader than family as it includes any people residing in the home related or not In recent years the divorce rate has been in decline Personal experiences can both provide us with information as well as blind us Theoretical perspective view organize and interpret reality o This perspective can increase our understanding of families and family life Death of a spouse marks the end of the family life cycle Working class couples tend to emphasize values associated with parenthood and job stability and may be more traditional in gender role ideology Race is considered to be a social construction Asian Americans are often referred to as a model minority Latino families are classified as binational of U S service members are married and nearly of them have children The end of WWII was followed by a rise in the divorce rate Protestantism is the historically dominant religion Prior to 1980 men were not expected to be nurturing and tender One s perceptions are linked to gender identity Media frames convey gender expectations Misogynist messages communicate hatred towards women Recently men women s earning gaps have narrowed some but is now beginning to Socialization the process by which society influences members to internalize attitudes widen slightly expectations Professional Woman independent ambitious and self confident Today children are maturing about 2 years earlier than 100 years ago Casual sex refers to permissiveness without affection Homogamy the tendency to marry people of similar race age education etc Propinquity geographic availability Triangular theory of love proposed by Robert Sternberg More than of children live in single parent households Key function of marriage love ongoing emotional support Topics from Exam 2 jumping the broom is an African American wedding tradition Collectivistic societies arranged marriages Median age for women to marry 2009 Almost 26 years old 2 important functions of marriage family guaranteeing property rights upbringing children of all single parent families are non Hispanic white Fecundity Reproductive capacity Marital happiness is higher in child free unions Unwed birthrates are the highest in young women in their 20s Men are more open and disclosing with a female friend than a male friend Mothers are the children s primary psychological parent One year into marriage spouses say I love you hugs kisses and has intercourse with their partner about as much as newly weds Cohabiting couples are twice as likely to be interracial compared to married couples Mid 1970 s All time high for divorces in the U S Family orientation parents siblings Fictive kin Friends who are as close as family Positive affect expression either verbal or nonverbal affection towards another New Material ambiguous Negotiating family boundaries is difficult when the loss of a family member is In the ABC X model B is the family s ability to cope with a crisis Who proposed the ABC X model Reuben Hill 20 25 single mothers often have a private safety net 4 5 single fathers Parenting style preferred by child psychologists Authoritative

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