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Chapter 14 Employment Sten hires under 17 years old girls poor knocked up already given birth lol Attorneys Can sleep with your client if it was happening before they became your client Allowed to sleep with another attorney s client Marriages come and go but divorce is forever Find a phrase that he can put on his business card Interviews Can t ask for your picture o LinkedIn being questioned You can say So tell me about yourself We work weekends nights sometimes Can you do that If you want to know if they have kids What salary are you looking for Don t ask anything personal hobbies clubs You CAN drug test before someone is hired during interview You can require that they speak English if they are interacting with customers directly You can ask someone to work on his accent because it is helping their business If they claim they have a tattoo piercing for religious purposes you have to prove what religion it s associated with Glass ceiling prevents women from being in a high rank If women are required to wear a uniform men have to also must be equal Hair grooming can be different with genders 2 types of harassment Quid pro quo something for something o Job in exchange for sex Hostile environment sexual harassment

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FSU HFT 3603 - Chapter 14 Employment

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