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American Empire 1 Age of Empire a New Imperialism 02 11 2014 i Scramble for Africa 1880 1914 acquiring territories and ruling them against their will numerous European countries tore Africa apart 1 Widespread movement 2 By 1900 s 90 of African was taken over ii What caused this new age 1 Economics US was going through industrial revolution new materials natural resources 2 Nationalism major motivation source of prestige to acquire overseas colonies 3 Cultural reason Racism a White Europeans believed that they were the most evolved of the human race and thought it was their duty to spread their civilization throughout the world 4 Europe made advances rail roads steam boats ships new medicines new military weapons machine guns b Criticism and conflict i Critics Karl Marx German well educated developed own theories in 1800 s critical of industrial revolution and 1 Germans French English middle working class had imperialism more in common 2 Exploited 3 Very critical of imperial expansion a Mark twain William Jennings Bryan Jane Adams Andrew Carnegie ii Conflict Asia resisted invasion of the British and others 1 Africa resisted the invasion the Englishmen a Advantages military technology 2 American Imperialism a Debate pro and con i Intense debate within US over this should we conquer overseas states ii Pro Why should US become imperial nation 1 Alfred Thayer Mahan Naval officer made argument about US wanting Navy and oversea bases 2 Belief that in order to become a great nation like England and Germany the US needed to enlarge and expand military a Shift in military power from army navy b New understanding to be major military power invest heavily in navy 3 US congress authorizes construction of US navy battle 4 Economics Had access to natural resources but needed to gather more and open new markets to export goods ships a US needs a navy to factories a Over seas markets the con side 5 Overall most people favored the pro side rather than b Expansion Hawaii Latin America Philippines i Acquire places were we can establish naval base 1 Hawaii Good for naval base and trade 1890 annexed Hawaii eventually becomes a state 1950 s roughly 60 years Hawaii was not a state Pearl Harbor 2 Panama Canal need for canal that would connect Atlantic and Pacific Ocean through middle American a Dig a canal through panama that would allow US ships to travel back and forth between oceans i Easier for trade naval ships 3 Cuba biggest area of expansion a 1890 Cuba was still controlled by Spain i William Randolph 1 Yellow Journalism newspapers began to write exaggerated stories about what was happening in Cuba 2 Media industry money 4 Spanish American War a War between Spain and the US i War went well US defeated Spain 1 Took control of various Spanish countries 2 Cuba became US protector 5 Philippines Now that Spain was defeated by US They thought they would become free and independent controversy 1890s war a US lost 2400 b Killed 200000 Philippines c Became governed by the US 6 US became an empire a Conquering and controlling foreign people without their consent Terms William Randolph Hearst Panama Canal Alfred Thayer Mahan Spanish American War 02 11 2014 02 11 2014

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ECU HIST 1051 - American Empire

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