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Coming of Age Girls Become Women 1 Rapunzel Grimms Rapunzel field salad or lamb s lettuce man and woman want child to no avail finally have a child woman saw rapunzel in garden wanted some but didn t know how to get it became ill man decided to get her some climbed over the high wall and grabbed her some rapunzel she made a salad from it she wanted more husband climbed wall again to find a fairy there she scolded him he told her of his wife s pregnancy and danger of denying her fairy says she will give him all rapunzel he wants and forgive him if they give up their child to her man agreed when woman gave birth fairy took child and named her rapunzel when rapunzel was 12 the fairy locked her in a tower one day a prince came and saw her in the tower heard her sing and fell in love no way into tower heard fairy say let down your hair he came the next day and told her to let down her hair pulled himself up she liked him he came back every day rapunzel asked why her clothes no longer fit her the fairy got angry and cut off her hair sent rapunzel into wilderness she gave birth to twins prince came back and called out to let her hair down fairy pulled him up and told him he lost her forever prince jumped from tower lost his eyesight went into forest and happened upon rapunzel and her kids she heard his voice her tears went into his eyes and he could see again 2 The False Grandmother France girl walking through woods with basket for her grandmother met a wolf wolf asked where she was going she didn t know he was evil told him her destination wolf ran ahead to grandmother s house went inside leaped on grandmother ate her saved a pitcher of her blood piece of flesh climbed into her bed girl came in wolf told her to eat the food on the table girl ate her grandmother s flesh drank her blood wolf told her to come to bed with him she did Realized it was not her grandmother told him she had to go to the bathroom he said she could do it in the bed she said she had to go big he allowed her to go she escaped 3 Little Red Riding Hood Perrault grandmother had a red hood made for her granddaughter mother sends girl to ill grandmothers with cakes and butter met a wolf wolf wanted to eat her but there were woodcutters there asked her where she was going she told him wolf said he would go there another way and see who got there first wolf took fastest way girl went slowly and looked at nature wolf went to door pretended he was the girl grandmother tells him to come in eats the old woman shuts the door gets in her bed little red riding hood thinks the voice is her grandmother with a cold she comes in he tells her to put the cake on the stool and get into bed she takes off her clothes and gets in bed wolf eats girl Moral children especially attractive should never talk to strangers or they will make a meal for a wolf 4 Little Red Cap Grimms grandmother gives granddaughter a red cap girls mother tells her to take cake and wine to her grandmother and tell her hello because she is sick tells her to be safe and not to leave the path or she ll fall down and break the glass girl meets wolf she does not know he is wicked and is not afraid tells wolf where she is going wolf asks her if she has seen the flowers she decides to go find a bouquet for her grandmother while she is picking flowers the wolf runs straight to the house she tells him to come in he comes in and eats her and puts her clothes on little red cap comes to find the door already open and is afraid she went to the bed and saw her grandmother looking strange wolf eats little red cap climbs back into bed and falls asleep snoring loudly huntsman hears snoring stops in and sees the wolf he had been hunting huntsman cut open wolf s belly and little red cap jumps out then the grandmother filled wolf s belly with stones he wakes up tries to run but falls down dead another time a wolf says hello to little red cap she minds her business and goes straight to grandmother s he comes to door and says he is little red cap they ignore him he gets on roof and plans to eat her when she leaves grandmother puts out sausage wolf tries to get down from the roof and drowns 5 Sun Moon and Talia Giambattista Basile great lord blessed with daughter named Talia sends for wise men astrologers to predict her future said she will incur great danger from a splinter of flax father bid material from his home so she can escape her fate talia looked out a window and saw a woman spinning she was curious and asked woman to come to her she took some flax and stretched it and got a splinter under her nail and died woman frightened ran downstairs the lord had his daughter laid on a velvet throne in one of his country mansions and closed the house forever a king was out hunting his falcon flew out of his hand and into the house his party knocked on the door nobody answered so he got a ladder to climb in he saw talia in the parlor and thought she was asleep carried her to a bed and had sex with her then went back to his kingdom 9 months later Talia gave birth to a boy and girl in them were 2 jewels that were attended by 2 fairies who put them at their mother s breasts one sucked talia s finger and the splinter came out she awoke king finds her again and promises he will come back for her king s wife notices he takes a long time hunting and says talia sun and moon in his sleep she orders a secretary to find out who he is in love with and offers him a reward or if he lies he will never again be found dead or alive the wife sent for talia s children because the king wanted to see them so she sent them the wife ordered the cook to kill the children and make them into dishes for her husband the cook had pity so he sent them home to his wife and ordered her to hide them and he prepared lambs instead wife says eat eat you are eating of your own king says I know I am eating of my own you have brought nothing into this house queen sends for Talia because the king expects her she shows up queen meets her and talia defends herself queen …

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Pitt GER 1502 - Coming of Age

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