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True or false The more neurons in series the faster the passage of information Match the type of transmission 1 2 with the characteristics a f 1 2 Nerve propagation Synapse transmission Kines 1223 Unit 4 Muscular system Nervous system Lecture 4 What are types of synapse summation 1 2 What is synaptic potentiation a b c d e f Requires more oxygen Requires less oxygen Electrical transmission Chemical transmission Fatigues easily Does not fatigue easily What are types of neural coding 1 2 a b How are neurons organized Discharge zone Facilitated zone What are types of neuronal circuits 1 2 3 4 What are patterns of neural processing 1 2 2 a Stimuli inside or outside body b Sensitive to c Special type a Stimuli inside or outside body b Sensitive to c Special type What are classifications of receptors by location of stimuli 1 What are classifications of receptors by type of stimuli 1 2 3 4 5 Sensation Perception What is sensory adaptation What are types of receptors 1 a b a b c d e f g a b 2 2 3 Whare are the specialized muscle fibers and sensory endings located in neuromuscular spindle 1 What are gamma efferents True or false Reciprocal inhibition excited spindle s muscle contracts to relieve stretch facilitates synergists and inhibits antagonists

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TEMPLE KINS 1223 - Unit 4 Muscular system, Nervous system

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