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EXAM II 1 HANDOUT ONE NOTES FROM CLASS From Old St Peter s in Rome Italy to Chartres Cathedral in France The Middle Ages o Song prayer that Christian groups sang to determine the hours New musical developments Gregorian chant single voice chant by monks o 6th 15th Medieval Period complexity o Constantine the Great 312 conversion to Christianity o Late Antique Imperial Period o Western Late Christianity o Eastern Greek Orthodox o 313 AC Edict of Milan and 321AC Sundays o People met underground to pray to escape persecution so buildings were built o Ancient Greek Temple building type for religious worship Couldn t just use this kind of building b c is associated w cults and other gods They never used to go inside now have a congregation o Basilica symbolically associated w justice Suited Christian form Large interior w spaces for large groups Apsidal semi circular ends where judges hear cases Needed a main altar and had side aisles o Old St Nero s built on Nero where Peter was martyred Peter was the rock of the church He was the 1st Bishop of Rome Ready to fall down so rebuilt eventually Transitional form showing new building types Poles and lintels in Greek concrete w arches w uninterrupted spaces Side aisles had center roof w windows clerestory to allow light Nave side aisles cross piece transept Latin cross long bar w shorter bar Greek cross equal Christian church w Latin cross plan Jesus died Atrium protected space 3 doors one for nave 2 for side aisles o Know the main parts of Christian churches o 1200 Holy Roman empire w crowning pope o Age of Cathedrals o Civic identity pride of cities and bond w church and state o France Dukes of Berry and Burgundy Cluster of cities around Paris Built main building church of Bishop Chartres Cathedral Seen from miles away Investment in man power and 66 years pass and still not finished Two different sides one more ornate higher thinner north o New style new is better o Not like Classical Period different mentality Flying buttresses or duchesses hold building up and make it higher DISCUSSION Nave clerestory EXAM II 2 o Cooper is big on architecture o Christianity started out as a pagan religion in homes o 4th century Constantine wrote Edict of Milan which banned pagan gods Worshippers needed churches to worship that wasn t like pagan temples A place to go inside to worship o Old St Peter s Basilica Rome Early Christian Period 4th century 3 000 4 000 people Plain on the outside inside decorated with frescos mosaics stain glass First church built on miles and stories of body burials outside Roman cities On top of St Peter burial first bishop of Rome 2nd most holy site 1st is Jesus s hill Apse eastern end w altar rounded Transept cross section the T Narthex opening of church Atrium open plan unbaptized would go during Eucharist courtyard Nave wide aisle w processions Aisles on the side o Icons set up in privacy of home that you could pray to Pray at church and at home o Chartres Cathedral Gothic period in France Opposition to early Renaissance art crude ugly 16th century Outside Paris At the time though people liked this awe wonder piety Not symmetric Gothic arch Light height and drama heavenly Jerusalem on Earth More vertical arches or pointed arches are directional looking up Used heavy stone Exterior support flying buttresses used for support o they could keep building up Needed light clerestory which lets light in b c is was so high Stained glass panels told stories Let in light illuminate follows through story being told Mass in Latin Glass blowing w different colors and professional glass cutters painters added detail then heated and put together w brackets o Very and time consuming Scenes of workers classes playing music and Bible Portal entryway of Church Christ in center surrounded by evangelists Scenes from different kings and queens called door jambs HANDOUT TWO The Limbourg Brothers Tres Riches Heures and the Van Eyck Brothers Ghent Altarpiece in the Burgundian Netherlands The Early Renaissance in Northern Europe NOTES FROM CLASS entertainment o Secular life if wealthy and powerful who lived at castle listened to music for EXAM II 3 o Folios 5x7in existed before manuscript o Period at end of Gothic Period International Style Pervasive 12th high gothic style emerged and became more centralized Feudal system with land owning nobles Serfs owed labor o Illumination object made on animal skin o Manuscripts were very durable and expensive o Baby animals had better partum velum o Used in prayer books o Transition through Gothic and Feudal period increase in centralized government o Gold gild was wealthiest and powerful and so was butchers gild o Dukes of Berry and Burgundy o Picture w calendar is in October Sleep on straw Sanitary conditions aren t good so move from castle to castle Keep stone walls insulated and everyone carried their belongings o Mary of Burgundy reading her prayer book attended by her ladies Having a vision of Mary and child at altar Prayer books were used for day by day saint books o Northern Europe and Spain in 15th century o Artists join other craftsmen in gilds o Limbourg brothers had a studio and specialized in illuminated manuscripts Family business Inside scene month of January Worked for Jean Duke of Berry Life at court feasting Straw mat on floor and gold plate on table Prominent figure Jean Not fully naturalistic scale Clothes hat robe gold collar Has red clergy at table Servers richly dressed Shows natural element with dog and servants knights o New art 15th century period in North Early Renaissance o Jan van Eyck Man w red turban transition to new economic social political and Self portrait demonstrates depicting natural world w everyday life visual o Art of faith o Pigment and egg done in larger works limited in size o Oil gives pigment new light quality to exploit detail o Superwork altarpiece on wood panels made from different refined pieces Church of St Bavo called Ghent Altarpiece Hubert dies in 1426 1432 signed and dated EXAM II 4 Oil done Multiple parts are called polyptych many 24 parts Earth and Heaven scene Annunciation o Mary being informed of Jesus through dove by St Gabe o Don t show feet intuitive appearance o Atmospheric perception seeing something in distance Saints painted as grizine sculptures Notion of rise of merchants and interest in civil piety Bottom left panel was stolen and replaced Blood of lamb as main scene w earthly personages Jesus Jan van Eyck used small brushes w new oil

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