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Chapter 4 Listening Hearing and listening hearing physical listening action and mental processing active listening conscious and responsive participation Types and goals of listening active participation empathetic empathy critical more in depth notes mental notes listening for something specific argument facts enjoyment music Poor listening habits poor listeners tend to quickly decide that a subject is dull criticize the speakers delivery jump to conclusions listen only for facts fake attention become easily distracted avoid difficult listening situations let emotional language interfere with listening to the the speakers message waste the differential between the rate of speaking 125 words min and rate of thinking 400 500 words min daydream time Improving specific listening skills be mindful selectively attend listening with sensory channels block out distracting stimuli suspend judgement focus on main points listen for highlights and transitions try to take effective notes The E A R technique Schloff Yudkin E empathize commit yourself to understanding A attend give full nonverbal attention to your partner R respond indicate that you ve heard or understood your partners message or feelings Separating fact from inference fact statement whose accuracy can be verified or proven inference conclusion or generalization on what has been observed 5 ways to reach listeners make them pay attention make them understand make them buy into it make them remember make them act on it

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UCF SPC 1608 - Chapter 4: "Listening"

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