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Globalization II Lecture 2 01 14 2014 The Genie Out of the Bottle Napoleon and Revolution in Europe Europe and the French Revolution o People all around the world are talking about the events going on in and the ideas that were spreading around Even before Napoleon comes to power the ideas are France spreading A Revolutionary Rise o Napoleon Bonaparte Son of a minor noble from Corsica Noble in name he was really a poor farmer Born into a life with very few prospects Sent to military school even before the revolution started Made fun of because he was poor and from Corsica could not speak French well As soon as the revolution stared he joined the revolutionary forces Astronomical rise in the army Brigadier general by Along with his rise the government feared his Sent to Egypt in 1798 Conquers Egypt and rules it for a couple of age 24 popularity years Directory calls Napoleon in 1799 to stage a coup The People s Dictator o After his successful coup he is made First Consul o He holds a plebiscite so the people of France can either accept or reject his rule of France Administering an Empire o Napoleon declares himself Emperor of France The Constitution that makes his title official is put to a vote and again he wins the vote overwhelmingly o IMAGE Napoleon looks like Caesar Golden crown Dressed in ostentatious attire Large robe etc Just as the Roman Republic became the Roman Empire so would France o The Napoleonic Code Creates a new law Declaration of the Rights of Man All French people are treated equal before the law All have equal rights before the law Napoleon Triumphant o Continental system Napoleon embargos Britain Russia doesn t like this and declares war on France Allied with England o The Battle of Trafalgar 1805 British fleet under Sir Horatio Nelson British fleet defeat the Franco Spanish fleet in a heroic fashion Nelson dies in the battle o The Battle of Austerlitz 1805 Globalization II Lecture 5 01 14 2014 01 14 2014

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