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Arianna Rappy SOCIOLOGY200 EXAM 1 STUDY GUIDE Comparative historical interdisciplinary study of society and social life What is Sociology Levels of Conduction Biography at the level of individual biography study is focused on how the behavior thoughts and emotions of individuals are created and modified by the social and cultural conditions in which they live Society at the societal level study is focused on the components of society and how they are interrelated how they change and how they come to shape our collective social existence Perspectives of Sociology Science one perspective uses the categories classifications and concepts that are real meaningful and appropriate to science Participants the other perspective uses the categories classifications and concepts that are real meaningful and appropriate to participants Other Social Sciences vs Sociology Geography biophysical environment physical characteristics of the world Economics material wealth production distribution consumption of material wealth of the societies by other people Political Science government how people govern themselves or are governed History written record reports as best it can exactly when happened to people since the time writing began about 5 000 years ago Anthropology culture specialized in the study of small preliterate preindustrial Sociology social organization study of organized social life family military societies Sociology is Societal facts study of what is not what should be Theoretical explanation basic science not applied practice Collective group tribe family class society community gang Multidimensional all aspects of society and social life Historical the past is always present Comparative Anthropological Sociologist society John Donne 1633 if you want to understand who you are you have to understand George Elliot 1866 sociology is public changes but private lives are made public C Wright Mills 1959 the facts about society are the facts about us We live collectively as well as individually If we want to know who we are we have to know the society in which we lie and our Donne no man is an island entire of itself Elliot there is no private life which has not been determined by a wider public life Mills the facts of contemporary society are also the facts about individual men and place within it women pease umd edu 3 1 2022 Ethnocentrism and Cultural Relativism Ethnocentrism The view of things in which ones own group is the center of everything and all others are scaled and rated with reference to it Cultural Relativism Norms and beliefs and social customs are to be understood in relation to the particular society in which they are found Modes of Production The method a society uses to meet basic human needs The information and tools used to exploit environment to satisfy basic human needs clothing food shelter providing for the next generation Modes of Reproduction Information tools and practices that people employ to control the size and composition of the population Biophysical Environment Resources and constraints of the natural biological and physical environment The flora fauna terrain climate soil water etc Materialist Theory of Society arise from similar causes Beneath the apparent differences among societies the same basic forms of social life A theory of socioeconomic development most commonly associated with Marxism where changes in material conditions technology and productive capacity are the primary influences on how human society is organized Video Mondo Cane Eating Pet Cemetery In rome chickens are bathed and put in ovens and then in easter eggs Fois Gras ducks are overfed so their liver is fat In japan they tender cows while alive and beer them to make them fat Women are put into cages and eat tapioca and then sold In the US people want to lose weight and in NYC they eat in a bug restaurant which is expensive Yononamo eat their dead relatives Theyre nude a lot Psychoactive drugs plants Gang rape women in societies Cultural varieties o Groom on another o Multiple spouses o Women breast feed pigs o Enslave people o Regard women as inferior o Marry for economic reasons o 1995 Fourth World Conference on women Beijing allows for human rights for o brother and sister marriage is allowed in royal families within Incan Hawaiian women and girls and Egyptian cultures o first cousin marriages cross cousin offspring from fathers sister mothers brother parallel cousin offspring from fathers brother mothers sister Materialism ecological evolutionary theory primary questions why is society the way it is What are the main features of a society and how are they interrelated Why aren t societies always and everywhere pease umd edu 3 1 2022 the same Materialist answer the big broad basic long term features of society are largely the result of the material conditions of society Thesis beneath the apparent differences among societies the basic forms of social life arise from similar causes Why are societies the way they are o Instincts genes blood race intelligence astrology starsm supreme beings fate chance accident motivation desire ambition What are basic human needs o Food clothing and shelter providing for the next generation of workers What are the material conditions of society o Mode of production mode of reproduction biophysical environment What is mode of production o Subsistence technology economic system What is subsistence technology o o Information and tools people use to exploit the biophysical environment to satisfy basic human needs What is economic system What is mode of reproduction o The way the society produces and distributes goods and services Information tools and practices people employ to control the size and composition if the population What is biophysical environment o Resources and constraints of the natural biological and physical environment flora fauna terrain climate soil water etc What is social organization o Pattern of relationships among the population that results in the way the society is organized family system military system educational system political system What is ideology o The information people use to interpret experience To make sense of reality experience and to help order social life What are the components of ideology o Beleifs norms values What are norms o Rules that instruct people to behave Rules regarding proper and improper behavior Do s and don t s of society etiquette norms norms originate from values What is the relationship

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