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Anthropology quiz pictures 1 What are the primary causes of malnutrition among children in the world Poverty and inequality 2 First generation migrant Mayans who moved from Guatemala and grew up in the United States were on average 5 6 cm taller than their parents this suggests that the difference in height between Mayans and their richer Ladinos in Guatemala are largely due to environmental factors True or false susceptibility to malnutrition is primarily a genetic factor False 3 4 True or false human health increased when humans started to grow their own food False 5 Which of the following was NOT listed in your reading as a consequence of 6 agricultural revolution Taller stature According to the reading what were some of the plants first domesticated in the Fertile Crescent over 10 500 years ago Wheat chickpeas olives 7 According to the reading what is the most common micronutrient deficiency 8 worldwide affecting well over 50 of humans Iron According to the reading what is the leading cause of preventable blindness in children Vitamin A deficiencies 9 What was happening to the climate during the Miocene epoch The earth getting cooler forests were shrinking and grasslands expanding 10 What is a hominin Bipedal primates including all of our ancestors back to just after the time that humans last shared a common ancestor with chimpanzees about 5 7 mya 11 Which of the following is NOT a trait of early hominins Large brains 12 Which of the following statements is NOT accurate about the fossil known as relative to chimpanzees Selam She was the child of Lucy Selam Her teeth 13 What part of the skeleton was used to identify the sex and estimate age of 14 What kind of environment did Selam live in An environment composed of both grasslands and woodlands 15 What was the significance of Selams inner ear morphology It indicated she 16 True or false Selam was developing at the same pace as a modern day still spent time in trees chimpanzee does False

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