Style 03 05 2013 Style keep in mind for paper 1 Stylistic patterns bigger than syntax patterns Reference jasinski reading on style Find examples of styles Basic style patterns Metaphor A comparison We will be able to transform the jangling discords of our nation into a beautiful symphony of brotherhood MLK Jr symphony has many different parts in harmony all toward one objective want to be together metaphor implies those things catachresis is an outrageous metaphor A republic whose history like the path of the just is as the shining light that shineth more and more unto the perfect day William Simile Jennigns Bryan Synechdoche When the part stands in for the whole Form of figurative language In every slum there are two sides When I see a broken windo that s the slummy side Train some youth to become a glazier that s the sunny side When I see a missing brick that s the slummy side Let that childin the union and ecome a brick mason and build that s the sunny side When I see a missing door that s the slummy side Train some youth to become a carpenter that s the sunny side Jesse Jackson Rainbow coalition 1984 speech to the DNC Repetition repetivie style strategies Include diacope anaphora anadiplosis epizeuxis homoioteleuton polyptoton Anadiplosis o Follows pattern A B BC CD somehow with the benefit of little formal education my grandparents recognized the inexorable downward spiral of conduct outside the guradrails if you lie you will cheat if you cheat you will steal if you steal you will kill Clarence Thomas 1993 Merecer Law School Address Diacope Anaphora Alliteration Parallelism o Beginning of successive phrases sentences paragraphs Anaphora repetition at beginning of text o to raise a happy healthy and hopeful child it takes afamily it takes teachers it takes clergy it takes business people it takes community leaders it akes those who protect our healthy safety It takes all of us Clinton 1996 DNC address their policies divide the nation into the lucky and the left out in the royalty and the rabble Mario Cuomo 1984 dnc address We have seen the stae of our Union in the endurance of rescuer working past exhaustion We ve seen the unfurling of flags the lighting of candles the giving of blood the saying of prayers in English Hebrew and Arabic Bush 9 20 01 Address to the Nation on Terrorism antitheses chiasmus immediate juxtaposition of two immediate ideas specialized form of antitheses the reversal of two words sarah palin speech Ultimate Terms Big cultural words filled with meaning God terms o I have witnessed that enduring fortitude that patriotic self abnegation and tha invincible determination which have carved his statue in the hearts of people General Douglas MacArthur Duty Honor Country Devil Terms o There is no room for racism anti semitism or other forms What we need in the US suffer within our country Robert Kennedy on MLK Jr s death includes both God devil terms for Wednesday go to americanrhetoric com go to figures in sound section choose a figure that we did not cover today on the ELMS discussion o Define that figure in your own terms o Provide an example of it not an example from americanrhetoric com o POSTED BEFORE AM Thursday quiz on terms case study Writing Tips for Paper 1 Snow Day Figures in Sound discussion not doing 03 05 2013 Explains a rhetorical artifact a speech photo advertisement etc in light of its rhetorical situation RESEARCH THE RHETORICAL SITUATION ALL ITS COMPONENTS Argues a thesis Develop thesis after analyzing speech researching rhetorical Good criticism good thesis today Prewriting future writing workshop Exam Review next discussion Good Rhetorical Criticism situation Uses textual evidence Describes before it interprets A good thesis statement Is concise 1 sentence Is easy to identify in the first paragraph of a paper o Make it obvious o Ok to say in this paper I will argue o Signal the main point easily identifiable Asserts what rhetorical strategies description are prominent and how they functioned interpretation in light of the rhetorical situation proven over the course of the paper sample thesis statement for Robert Kennedy s speech Given the division and animosity rhetorical situation among Robert Kennedy s audience members after Martin Luther King s death his use of ultimate terms invited them to unify interpretation Bill Clinton s occasional use of parataxis allowed him to speak clearly to an audience that doubted his credibility Bill Clinton faced an audience that doubted his credibility Interpretive claim parataxis allowed him to speak clearly include all patterns mentioned in paper in thesis save interpretation until end need to argue how they all work together in light of the rhetorical situation Describe rhetorical situation major strategies used First paper syntactical or stylistic analysis of one of Obama s speeches Stylistic Analysis 03 05 2013 What was Fisher s rhetorical situation What primary stylistic devices characterize the speech description How id those primary stylistic devices function given the rhetorical situation interpretation Fisher s Rhetorical Situation Exigencies Audiences Constraints Resources o Topic o Persuasive field o Rhetor o Audience o Medium o Setting 1992 family values really took off with Republican party Appeal to families when voting Just after Bush won war national patriotic pride Fisher Constraints Resources She doesn t seem like the type of person you expect to get AIDS Respected political background Republican convention constraint Republicans were slow to deal with HIV Bush did very little about it slow to react to aids Fisher s speech styles Antithesis Personification Parallelism Diacope Antithesis worked well for Fisher because it is a time of polarized ideas black white binary polarized political arena For Tuesday read kennedy inaugural watch for elms quiz or participation assignment
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