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Lecture Guide Chapter 1 The Science of Psychology Gen Psych F12 Based in part on the text PsychSmart by McGraw Hill 2013 What is Psychology The scientific study of behavior and mental process Behavior overt actions reactions what you can see Mental process internal convert activity of mind thoughts feelings attitudes what you MUST infer What do psychologists study They study people animals PSY study underlying psychological mechanism psychologist study virtually anything thoughts feelings or behaviors Psychology goals Psychologist look at what is happening They Figure out why Also want to know how likely is it to happen again World s briefest History of Psychology Interest in the mind certainly isn t new BUT psychology as an identified independent field of study is 150 years old 1870s 1 Wilhelm Wundt G Stanley Hall William James 2 Pavlov Freud Skinner Watson Binet Piaget 3 Psychology Today A Profession and a Science Psychology Subfields please see class handout or text Psychologists Today A portrait Approx 300 000 in US Just over 50 female increasing almost 75 new PhD grads are women Vast majority of psychologist in the us are white Only 6 are members of racial minority groups limits diversity of the field limits access for some Education of a Psychologist PhD Doctor of philosophy PsyD Doctor of psychology MA or Ms Master s degree BA or BS Bachelor s Degree Psychologist vs Psychiatrist Psychologist PhD or PsyD Psychiatrist MD med School both can provide psychotherapy both can teach and do research Psychiatrists can provide medication some exceptions other physicians Psychologists more likely to do IQ personality testing often work together Sub fields basic science or applied in each 50 clinical and counseling other 50 are into developmental and enviormental Where they work subfields and settings check book Psychologist work at 1 colleges and universities 35 50 2 bussiness goverment and other settings 16 3 Hospitals 15 Research Growth In the last 10 years recorded 30 000 articles Increasing field more research Psychology Future 6 Modern Perspectives Will become more specialized Identification of neuroscientific links will appear in all branches Study of issues of public interest will grow Understanding and working effectively with issues of diversity will become more important in research and service Eclectic What is it Is it good or bad Today no 1 theory dominates Different theories tend to focus on different aspects don t no have to compete Helpful to have multiple theories as we try to understand behavior BEH IS MULTITERMEND Eclectic use ideas for more than one MODERN PERSPECTIVES 1 Psychodynamic perspective Unconscious motives conflicts determine behavior Explores development of self concept modern version of Freud s work CONTRIBUTIONS Early Recognition of 1 Role of early experience on later beh 2 Possibility of unc impacting beh 3 Defense mechanism 2 Behavioral perspective Focus solely on things that can be seen VS psychodynamic unseen 1 Belief beh is a result of environment 2 Thought not important Sample names and concepts Classical and Operant conditioning Pavlov Watson skinner 3 Humanistic perspective Why did is appear Believe people ave free will freedom to choose own destiny Emphasize human potential ability for all to become best possible Self actualization Early contributors Maslow Rogers 4 Cognitive perspective Emphasizes how we know understand and think about the world Focus on mental tasks thinking memory attention intelligence perception problem solving language and learning WHEN Names and concepts Jean Piaget Information processing model 5 Socio cultural perspective Focus on impact of social settings and expectations on beh Combines 1 2 Social psych relationships Cultural psych expectations study of groups roles expectations study of cultural norms values and 6 Neuorscience aka Biopsychological perspective Attempts to identify biological events in the body associated with behavior Such as genetic influences hormones activity of nervous system 1 2 3 Two way beh thoughts feelings can impact body too EVOLUTIONARY PERSPECTIVE subset of neuroscience Attempt made to identify reasons for the mental and behavioral characteristics that are inherited Baby ducks follow first thing they see babies attract older humans because they are CUTE Assumptions is that inherited behaviors exist because they are adaptive they contribute to survival and then get passed down What is the advantage of studying psychology today compared to many years ago 6 Theoretical perspectives Advantage today Choice Learn from other peoples mistakes Build on their success Pick and chose parts useful 1 2 3 4 What is is Called ECLECTIC clicker questions I believe that many of our behaviors are genetically based and exist because of their ability to help us survive is Evolutionary I believe people are born to be ready to strive to make the most out life and choose own density is Humanistic As a psychologist working from the sociocultural perspective i will be studying why people obey strangers

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