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Establishing Community CHAPTER 3 Part I Jan 31 2022 Warm Up Activity Students break into small groups 2 4 people per group and identify one local BCS business that could improve their social media presence Develop 3 social media strategies that could be proposed to the business A Peek Ahead Community Development Theory Four Dimensions to establish Sense of Community Community Development Theory Cultural Norms Audience Analysis helps practitioners identify pertinent elements regarding audience demographics and psychographics Social Learning Theory Views audiences as self developing proactive self regulating and self reflecting People are producers of social systems rather than mere products Social learning suggests that humans learn through modeling the behaviors of others Community Development Theory Cont Power of community more persuasive to hear a recommendation from a friend than from a character on a tv commercial Power of identification people are more likely to model behavior if they identify with the person they are viewing and if it results in valued outcomes We already identify with the people in our social networks Word of Mouth Marketing where current satisfied customers recommend a service to other potential customers Community Development Theory Cont Promoting dialogue through social media allows for increased word of mouth marketing and rectifying of unpleasant experiences Facebook walls and Forums Four Dimensions to establish Sense of Community Membership Shared Emotional Connection Influence Needs Fulfillment Rites of passage as a means to community value Shared Emotional Intelligence Membership Influence Membership Needs Fulfillment Community Community Development Theory Cont 1 Individuals must feel as though they have done something to become a member of an organization before they can feel they are a part of the community Shared Emotional Intelligence Membership Influence a Focus on your secondary audience not Membership Needs Fulfillment people who are already likely to purchase Community 2 Building Emotional Connectedness a Simply being a member of an organization does not make it a community b Better to have a few emotionally vested members rather than thousands who do not identify with your product Community Development Theory Cont 3 Make members feel as though their participation and contribution within your community matter Media is often see as in the public sphere Social media allows a chance for media to center around private sphere issues The more one party is willing to open and disclose personal private sphere information the closer the receiving party feels towards their relationship Shared Emotional Intelligence Membership Influence Membership Needs Fulfillment Community Community Development Theory Cont 4 Needs fulfillment Ask your audience questions and keep attn on your audiences not your product Shared Emotional Intelligence Membership Influence To spark interpersonal dialogue that promotes cultural identity trust and commitment Role of media should be used to supplement rather than dominate interpersonal methods Membership Needs Fulfillment Community

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TAMU COMM 275 - Establishing Community

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