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MMET 275 Mechanics for Technologists Spring 2023 Homework Set 4 Due Monday Feb 27 Problem 4 1 20 points 5pts per case Please draw the free body diagrams for the following cases MMET 275 Mechanics for Technologists Spring 2023 Homework Set 4 Due Monday Feb 27 MMET 275 Mechanics for Technologists Spring 2023 Homework Set 4 Due Monday Feb 27 Problem 4 2 10 points Determine the horizontal and vertical components of reaction at the pin A and the normal fore at the smooth peg B on the member Equations of Equilibrium From the free body diagram of the member Fig a NB can be obtained by writing the moment equation of equilibrium about point A 0 0 4 600 30 0 8 0 1039 23 1 04 NB 1 04 kN Using this result and writing the force equation of equilibrium along the x and y axes 0 600 30 1039 23 60 0 0 AX 0 0 1039 23 60 600 30 0 600 AY 600 N MMET 275 Mechanics for Technologists Spring 2023 Homework Set 4 Due Monday Feb 27 Problem 4 3 10 points The wing of the jet aircraft is subjected to thrust T from its engine and the resultant lift force L If the mass of the wing is M and the mass center is at G determine the x y z components of reaction where the wing is fixed to the fuselage at A Given T 8 kN L 45 kN M 2 1 Mg a 2 5m b 5m c 3m d 7m 0 0 AX 8 00kN 0 0 AY 0 0 0 AZ 24 4 kN 0 0 MY 20 00 kN m 0 0 MX 572 kN m 0 T b c 0 MZ 64 0 kN m MMET 275 Mechanics for Technologists Spring 2023 Homework Set 4 Due Monday Feb 27

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