CSCI 570 Fall 2021 HW 5 Due date 30th September 2021 For all divide and conquer algorithms follow these steps 1 Describe the steps of your algorithm in plain English 2 Write a recurrence equation for the runtime complexity 3 Solve the equation by the master theorem 1 Solve the following recurrences by giving tight notation bounds in terms of n for sufficiently large n Assume that T represents the running time of an algorithm i e T n is positive and non decreasing function of n and for small constants c independent of n T c is also a constant independent of n Note that some of these recurrences might be a little challenging to think about at first a T n 4T n 2 logn b T n 8T n 6 nlogn c T n 6000 T n 2 d T n 10T n 2 2 e T n 2T log 2 Consider an array A of n numbers with the assurance that n 2 A 1 A 2 and A n A n 1 An index i is said to be a local minimum of the array A if it satisfies 1 i n A i 1 A i and A i 1 A i a Prove that there always exists a local minimum for A b Design an algorithm to compute a local minimum of A Your algorithm is allowed to make at most O log n pairwise comparisons between elements of A 3 The recurrence T n 7T n 2 describes the running time of an algorithm ALG A competing algorithm ALG has a running time of a 4 log What is the largest value of a such that ALG is asymptotically faster than ALG 4 Solve Kleinberg and Tardos Chapter 5 Exercise 3 5 Given a binary search tree T its root node r and two random nodes x and y in the tree Find the lowest common ancestry of the two nodes x and y Note that a parent node p has pointers to its children p leftChild and p rightChild a child node does not have a pointer to its parent node The complexity must be O log n or better where n is the number of nodes in the tree Recall that in a binary search tree for a given node p its right child r and its left child l r value p value l value Hint use divide and conquer 6 Suppose that you are given the exact locations and shapes of several rectangular buildings in a city and you wish to draw the skyline in two dimensions of these buildings eliminating hidden lines Assume that the bottoms of all the buildings lie on the x axis Building Bi is represented by a triple Li Hi Ri where Li and Ri denote the left and right x coordinates of the building respectively and Hi denotes the building s height A skyline is a list of x coordinates and the heights connecting them arranged in order from left to right For example the buildings in the figure below correspond to the following input 1 5 5 4 3 7 3 8 5 6 6 8 The skyline is represented as follows 1 5 3 8 5 3 6 6 8 Notice that the x coordinates in the skyline are in sorted order a Given a skyline of n buildings and another skyline of m buildings in the form x1 h1 x2 h2 xn and x 1 h 1 x 2 h 2 x m show how to compute the combined skyline for the m n buildings in O m n steps b Assuming that we have correctly built a solution to part a give a divide and conquer algorithm to compute the skyline of a given set of n buildings Your algorithm should run in O n log n steps
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