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CS570 FALL 2006 FINAL SOLUTION Problem 1 1 True 2 True 3 False 4 False 5 True 6 True 7 False 8 Unknown 9 Unknown 10 True Problem 2 Solution 1 Assume that the weight of material 1 material 2 and material 3 carried on the cargo plane are x1 x2 and x3 respectively Clearly x1 0 x2 0 x3 0 Then the total revenue is 1000 x1 2 1200 x2 1 12000 x3 3 As the cargo plane can carry a maximum of 100 tons and a maximum of 60 cubic meters of cargo we have x1 x2 x3 100 x1 2 x2 1 x3 3 60 As Material 1 has maximum available amount 40 cubic meters we have x1 2 40 As Material 2 has maximum available amount 30 cubic meters we have x2 1 30 As Material 3 has maximum available amount 20 cubic meters we have x3 3 20 Hence the linear program which optimize revenue is max 1000 x1 2 1200 x2 1 12000 x3 3 subject to x1 0 x2 0 x3 0 x1 x2 x3 100 x1 2 x2 1 x3 3 60 x1 2 40 x2 1 30 x3 3 20 Solution 2 Assume that the amount of material 1 material 2 and material 3 carried on the cargo plane are x1 x2 and x3 respectively Clearly x1 0 x2 0 x3 0 Then the total revenue is 1000 x1 1200 x2 12000 x3 As the cargo plane can carry a maximum of 100 tons and a maximum of 60 cubic meters of cargo we have x1 x2 x3 60 x1 2 x2 1 x3 3 100 As Material 1 has maximum available amount 40 cubic meters we have x1 40 As Material 2 has maximum available amount 30 cubic meters we have x2 30 As Material 3 has maximum available amount 20 cubic meters we have x3 20 Hence the linear program which optimize revenue is max 1000 x1 1200 x2 12000 x3 Date Dec 8 2006 1 2 CS570 FALL 2006 FINAL SOLUTION subject to x1 0 x2 0 x3 0 x1 x2 x3 60 x1 2 x2 1 x3 3 60 x1 40 x2 30 x3 20 Problem 3 The problem is essentially the same as Problem 1 in Chapter 5 which is assigned in HW 5 We denote A 1 n B 1 n as the sorted array in increasing order and A k as the k th element in the array For brevity of our computation we assume that n 2s First we compare A n 2 to B n 2 Without loss of generality assume that A n 2 B n 2 then the elements A 1 A n 2 are smaller than n ele ments that is A n 2 A n and B n 2 B n Thus A 1 A n 2 can t be the median of the two databases Similarly B n 2 B n can t be the median of the two databases either Note that m is the median value of A and B if and only if m is the median of A n 2 A n and B 1 B n 2 We delete the same number of numbers that are bigger than m and smaller than m that is the n 2 smallest number of A n 2 A n and B 1 B n 2 Hence the resulting algorithm is Algorithm 1 Median value A 1 n B 1 n n if n 1 then return min A n B n else if A n 2 B n 2 Median value A 1 n 2 B n 2 n n 2 else if A n 2 B n 2 Median value A n 2 n B 1 n 2 n 2 end if For running time assume that the time for the comparison of two numbers is constant namely c then T n T n 2 c and thus T n c log n Hence our algorithm is O log n Problem 4 This problem is actually equivalent to solving the Subset Sum problem Given n items 1 n and each has a given nonnegative weight ai we ai t If the maximum value want to maximize returned is t then the output is yes otherwise false The recursive relation is ai given the condition that cid 80 cid 80 cid 189 OP T i t OP T i 1 t if t ai OP T i t max OP T i 1 t ai OP T i 1 t ai otherwise Time complexity Note the we are building a table of solutions M and we compute each of the values M i t in O 1 time using the previous values thus the running time is O nt Or The Subset Sum algorithm given in the textbook is O nt hence the running time of our algorithm is O nt Problem 5 This problem can easily be reduced into max ow problem We denote the M faculty as x1 xM and N courses as y1 yN The reduction is as follows add source s sink t in the graph For each xi add edge s xi The capacity lower bound of these edges is 1 and the capacity upper bound is 2 For each CS570 FALL 2006 FINAL SOLUTION 3 yi add edge yi t The capacity of each edge is 1 For each faculty xi if xi prefer course yi1 and yi2 add edges xi yi1 and xi yi2 in the graph The capacity of each edge is 1 To nd a feasible allocation we just need to solve the max ow problem in the constructed graph to nd a max ow with value N Problem 6 a To compute the length of the longest path we just need to nd a integer k such that D G k Y es and D G k 1 N o Hence the algorithm is k 0 while D G k Y es k return k b True The longest path problem is NP complete The proof is as follows Clearly given a path we can easily check if the length is k in polynomial time hence the problem is N P To prove that it is NP complete we prove that even the simplest case of longest path problem is NP complete The simplest case in our longest path problem is that the weight of each edge is 1 We use a simple reduction from HAMILTON PATH problem Given an undirected graph does it have a Hamilton path i e a path visiting each vertex exactly once HAMILTON PATH is NP complete Given an instance G cid 48 V cid 48 E cid 48 for HAMILTON PATH count the number V cid 48 of nodes in G cid 48 and output the instance G G cid 48 K V cid 48 for LONGEST PATH Obviously G cid 48 has a simple path of length V cid 48 if and only if G cid 48 has a Hamilton path Therefore if we can solve LONGEST PATH problem we can easily solve HAMILTON PATH problem Hence LONGEST …

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USC CSCI 570 - 2006 Fall Final Solution

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