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MAKE SURE TO PUT YOUR NAME ON THE EXAM DO NOT CHANGE THE FORMAT OF THE EXAM ANTHROPOLOGY 1000 EXAM 1 NAME PART I Each answer is worth 3 points 1 From the article Body Ritual of the Nacirema who are the Nacirema a An extinct people b Americans c Native Americans d A fictional culture 2 Which of these did NOT use the Swastika a The University of Alabama b The Raiellens c The U S Army d The Boy Scouts 3 From the article The Cultural Construction of The American Diet what is the reason for the high status of meat a The cost b Its taste c Eating meat represents our cannibalistic instincts d Eating meat represents control over the natural world 4 Which of these is a critical method in doing contemporary fieldwork 5 Using skills to improve the lives of the people Anthropologists work with 6 Subfield of Anthropology which studies the fossil remains of the earliest humans a Ethnocentrism b Reflexivity c Participant Observation d Genetics a Applied Anthropology b Ethnography c Participant Observation d Biological Anthropology a Archaeology b Paleontology c Paleoanthropology d Cultural Anthropology 7 From the article High Population Density where was the first evidence of abstract thinking found 8 In doing fieldwork or writing ethnographies the first responsibility of the anthropologist is to whom a Australia b Europe c Africa d North America a Science b The people who fund their research c The safety of the anthropologist d The people they are trying to study and learn from 9 From the film what is the myth in our society a That all humans are equal b That race is not important c By nature we are competitive individualistic and selfish d By nature we are all the same a Hunting and Gathering b The appearance and health of the human body c Religion d The author doesn t tell us 11 From the article Cultural Differences where are the Tswana from a Australia b Africa c North America d South east Asia 12 What do we mean when we say all cultures are dynamic a All cultures change b All cultures are different c All cultures except yours are not normal d All cultures except yours are difficult to understand 10 From the article Body Ritual of the Nacirema what is the focus of their economic system 13 From the article How are Humans Unique What is the best way to get humans to cooperate a Give them economic incentives b Place them under a strong leader c Identify an enemy d Give them no other choice 15 From the article Why Our Stories Matter where might we find the answer which has long puzzled evolutionary biologists 16 From the article How Are Humans Unique if group mindedness is the cause of so much strife and suffering what is the solution a All cultures change b We need cultures to fulfill our basic needs c Cultures do not really exist even though we pretend they do d While cultures limit us it is only through culture that we become truly human 18 From the article High Population Density what does our successful innovation depend on 14 Why is it important to understand culture shock a Because it is not natural for people to feel this way b Because it makes us homesick c Because it can lead to ethnocentrism d Because it is one of our cultural universals a Among hunter gatherers b In species which predate humanity c In religion d In contemporary societies a More Independent thought b Find new ways to define the group c Cultural Relativism d Allow fewer people to make decisions 17 What is the great paradox of culture a How connected we are b Our level of technology c The size of a cultures population d How smart we are 19 Asking why you believe what you believe is which a Cultural Relativism b Ethnocentrism c Dominant Discourse d Reflexivity 20 Why are all human beings ethnocentric a Because we don t study Anthropology b Because of the power of enculturation c Because not all cultures are equally civilized d Because of culture shock PART II Each answer is worth 6 points 1 List three ways that we are enculturated 2 List three kinds of cultures that might use the Stars and Bars 3 List the two main categories of symbols 4 List three reasons why the study of culture is both fascinating and frustrating 5 Give an example of each of these kinds of sanctions External Internal PARTIII Each answer is worth 10 points Please answer ONE of the following 1 From the article The Cultural Construction of the American Diet discuss how symbolism affects our diet BE SPECIFIC USE EXAMPLES FROM THE ARTICLE 2 Explain why social networks and culture based on cooperation became essential to our survival in our early evolution 3 What is Fieldwork What is the REAL meaning of Fieldwork In doing fieldwork the primary responsibility of the Fieldworker is always to whom Why 4 Discuss the three kinds of cultures which use the Stars and Bars

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UConn ANTH 1000 - Exam I

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