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Josh Dias Bio 1500 Lab D03 Enzyme Lab Figures In the graph above we can see that the graph is measuring the enzyme activity of alkaline phosphatase across acidic neutral and basic pH levels Just by looking at the data we can see that the enzyme activity was at its highest when the pH level was neutral and lowest when the pH level was acidic As for the enzyme activity for the basic pH level it was in the middle of the other two pH levels In the graph above we can see the enzyme activity over low medium medium high and high enzyme concentrations From looking at the graph we can depict that the higher the enzyme concentration the higher the enzyme activity In the graph above we can see the graph is determining the enzyme activity across different temperatures in celsius The enzyme activity is at its lowest at 4 celsius and continues to rise at both 20 and 32 celsius However the enzyme activity does drop back down a little bit for 60 celsius Lab notebook questions 1 We used alkaline phosphatase because it is involved with digestion in humans and reacts at similar temperatures 2 I think it was a combination of the concentration of substrate as well as the concentration of the enzyme 3 A buffer would change or effect the pH level 4 If you added the enzyme before you would miss the reaction take place 5 It was essential to do so because once we incubated each enzyme the reaction could either speed up or slow down depending on the temperature 6 If we left the sample in the spectrophotometer it would be a source of error because we left it in the machine and the environment for all of the samples would not be the same

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NCSU BIO 105 - Lab 5 figures - Enzyme Lab Figures

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