UB MTH 121 - 10.3 Homework

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samantha Oh Math 142 LR X section LR X Spring 2019 Instructor Kathlene Hockaday WebAssign 10 3 Homework Current Score 30 32 Due Friday May 10 2019 11 59 PM EDTLast Saved n a Saving 1 5 6 points Previous AnswersSCalcET8 10 3 003 Plot the point whose polar coordinates are given Then find the Cartesian coordinates of the point a 5 3 2 x y 0 5 b 5 2 4 x y 5 5 c 5 6 x y 4 32 32 2 4 4 points Previous AnswersSCalcET8 10 3 005 The Cartesian coordinates of a point are given a 3 3 i Find polar coordinates r of the point where r 0 and 0 2 r 3 2 3 4 ii Find polar coordinates r of the point where r 0 and 0 2 r 3 2 7 4 b 2 2 3 i Find polar coordinates r of the point where r 0 and 0 2 r 4 3 ii Find polar coordinates r of the point where r 0 and 0 2 r 4 4 3 3 1 1 points Previous AnswersSCalcET8 10 3 008 Sketch the region in the plane consisting of points whose polar coordinates satisfy the given conditions 0 r 2 3 2 4 2 2 points Previous AnswersSCalcET8 10 3 015 Find a Cartesian equation for the curve and identify it r2 5 x2 y2 5 lima on ellipse hyperbola circle parabola 5 2 2 points Previous AnswersSCalcET8 10 3 017 Find a Cartesian equation for the curve and identify it r 7 cos x 72 2 y2 494 ellipse hyperbola parabola lima on circle 6 2 2 points Previous AnswersSCalcET8 10 3 019 Find a Cartesian equation for the curve and identify it r2 cos 2 1 x2 y2 1 circle ellipse lima on parabola hyperbola 7 1 1 points Previous AnswersSCalcET8 10 3 021 Find a polar equation for the curve represented by the given Cartesian equation y 6 r 6sin 8 1 1 points Previous AnswersSCalcET8 10 3 025 Find a polar equation for the curve represented by the given Cartesian equation x2 y2 8cx r 8ccos 9 2 2 points Previous AnswersSCalcET8 10 3 027 For each of the described curves decide if the curve would be more easily given by a polar equation or a Cartesian equation Then write an equation for the curve a A line through the origin that makes an angle of 3 with the positive x axis 3 b A vertical line through the point 1 1 x 1 10 1 1 points Previous AnswersSCalcET8 10 3 030 Sketch the curve with the given polar equation by first sketching the graph of r as a function of in Cartesian coordinates r 1 cos 11 1 1 points Previous AnswersSCalcET8 10 3 032 Sketch the curve with the given polar equation by first sketching the graph of r as a function of in Cartesian coordinates r 1 5 cos 12 1 1 points Previous AnswersSCalcET8 10 3 041 Sketch the curve with the given polar equation by first sketching the graph of r as a function of in Cartesian coordinates r2 4 sin 2 13 0 1 points Previous AnswersSCalcET8 10 3 057 Find the slope of the tangent line to the given polar curve at the point specified by the value of r 6 0 14 1 1 points Previous AnswersSCalcET8 10 3 058 Find the slope of the tangent line to the given polar curve at the point specified by the value of r cos 3 3 15 6 6 points Previous AnswersSCalcET8 10 3 503 XP Find the Cartesian coordinates of the given polar coordinates Then plot the point a 2 x y 2 0 b 6 2 3 x y 3 3 3 c 6 3 4 x y 3 2 3 2

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