UA ACCT 200 - Formula Sheet Exam 1

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Current Ratio Current Assets Current Liabilities Quick Ratio Current Assets Inventories Current Liabilities Inventory Turnover Sales Revenue Inventories Day s Sales Outstanding Accounts Receivables Sales 365 Fixed Assets Turnover Sales Assets Net PPE Total Assets Turnover Sales Total Assets Debt to Capital Ratio Debt short term long term Capital Debt Equity Times Interest Earned TIE EBIT operating income Interest Expense Operating Margin EBIT Sales Profit Margin Net Income Sales ROA Net Income Total Assets ROE Net Income Total Equity OR Profit Margin x Total Assets Turnover x Equity Multiplier DuPoint ROIC EBIT 1 Tax Rate Capital P E Price per share Earnings per share M B Price per share Book value per share EPS Net income Number of shares outstanding Book value per share stakeholder s equity number of shares outstanding Market Value market price per share x number of shares outstanding Net Working Capital Current Assets Current Liabilities Net Operation Working Capital Current assets current liabilities notes payable FCF EBIT 1 T depreciation and amortization capital expenditures change in NOWC MVA of shares outstanding x stock price balance sheet value of equity EVA EBIT 1 T Total invested capital x after tax cost of capital Net Income Change in retained earnings dividends or Revenues Expenses Equity Assets Debt Debt x Assets

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UA ACCT 200 - Formula Sheet Exam 1

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