UA ACCT 200 - Exam 1 Study Guide

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From Study Guide 1 Be able to answer the following definitions in your own words a What are the various definitions of social innovation PowerPoint b What motivates social innovators i Passion talent timing place and people must line up for a social entrepreneur to find the idea that is right for him or her When all of those elements align correctly a founder has discovered what I call the Purpose Point for an organization the point where a founder s passions and skills can be used to their optimal capacity for the greatest impact ii Purpose Point was discovered in a powerful personal moment that allowed them to see clearly the problem they wanted to tackle and how they could apply their particular talents to solving it For others their path was more analytical systemically weighing their options Still others were in the midst of pursuing one thing they thought was their purpose only to find their more authentic purpose was something else c How are non profits constrained PowerPoint d What are the overlapping parts of the social economy e What are wicked problems i A social or cultural problem that is difficult or impossible to solve 1 Incomplete or contradictory knowledge 2 The number of people and opinions involved 3 Large economic burden 4 Interconnected nature of these problems with other problems 5 No clear problem definition 6 Multiple stakeholders 7 Are systemic or cultural boundaries 8 Can take a long time to evaluate 2 Familiar with the key point in the readings and videos and be able to apply them to answer a question and or analyze a business case with attention to the following topics a Wicked problems in the food system PowerPoint b Issues with regional food branding see below c Tucson UNESCO City of Gastronomy d Your social innovation podcast case word doc e Your group s selected regional food brand benchmarking case word doc 3 Design thinking a You should be familiar with the key takeaways from your group regional food branding program and be able to apply some initial learnings to the human centered design process Listen Build Iterate Design based of empathy i Listen 1 Good design starts not with doing but with listening Listening assumes that the user knows better than the designer The designer should be interacting with the target users in their environment to gain both qualitative and quantitative insights about what kind of product or service they really need and want how those needs and wants are prioritized and how the context impacts those needs and wants The goal in the listening phase is to get as close as possible to a holistic understanding of the end user s pain points and desires This cannot be done in the office or in a lab This requires not only the research out in the field but aggregating all of the data so that you move from a set of individual stories to higher level insights You must make sense of the data by identifying patterns Key Question What do the users want ii 2 Build 1 After collecting aggregating and weighting the insights gained from the intended users and developing clear specifications you are ready to roll up your sleeves and start building You should test your assumptions early on with a minimum viable product that you share with actual targeted end users It s important that your product is well enough conceived and constructed that it isn t rejected simply because of the execution of your design and gives users a good taste of how they might bene fi t from the product This way they are more motivated to engage with your questions about the product and to help you make improvements Key Question How can I quickly and cheaply build an MVP to get my product in the hands of users as quickly as possible iii Iterate 1 You should go into the testing process with the assumption that your product will fail in some way and that it might even turn out to be the wrong product entirely You must not only be willing to pivot you ve got to be constantly keeping your eye out for signs that a pivot is required Becoming comfortable with the idea that you will fail perhaps many times before you succeed will be invaluable in persevering through all the variables There are multiple methodologies for assessing the responses to your MVP After receiving user feedback you must sort through all the data in order to find actionable metrics This often involves serious grappling with the question of whether to pivot away from your plan or to forge ahead or perhaps make just very moderate changes You should go into the process expecting to go through several cycles of iteration Key Question How can user feedback improve the MVP This process shouldn t end even after you ve launched your product You want to be continuously listening building and iterating in order to find more ways to serve your users b You should review the steps of equity centered design and understand the value of each step PDF Doc i Equity Centered Community Design a unique creative problem solving process based on equity humility building integrating history and healing practices addressing power dynamics and co creating with the community This design process focuses on a community s culture and needs so that they can gain tools to dismantle systemic oppression and create a future with equity for all From Videos and Readings Issues with Regional Food Branding State branding programs are designed to inform consumers and support local farmers are deceptive and virtually unregulated Most state food branding programs certify products as local even if half of the ingredients come from another state or country Many states have no minimum ingredient requirement Program officials say they aren t attempting to fool consumers by tapping the farm to table environment But they acknowledge the programs are more about marketing efforts to promot the local economy and create jobs Budgets are supported primarily through a combination of state funds and membership fees paid for by farmers or business that use the labeling Park City gets its bean primarily from South America and Africa The company s website emphasizes that it does all of its roasting locally Which is enough to qualify for membership in Utah s Own food branding program Brands boost sales Consumers will buy it even though the price is higher You pay a premium on a product that may not be local at all There is no professional or academic consensus of the term local food But there is a consensus on the bottom line Local food sales are

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