Pitt GER 1502 - Exam 2 Book Notes

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Indo European Folktales Exam 2 Book Notes Children at Risk Sexual and Physical Abuse Kora and His Sister India There were seven brothers and one sister who was the youngest of the family Six of the brothers were married but the seventh could not find a wife Kora told his parents that he was going to bring a flowering plant from the forest and he would marry the girl that picked the flower All of the village girls came to see the beautiful flower Kora s sister saw the flower and wanted to pick it and put it in her hair The mother saw this and warned her but the girl insisted She pulled the whole plant out and put it in her hair then replanted it Kora could tell that the plant was replanted and he asked his mother who did it She confessed that it was his sister The girl ran away w her parrot She stopped at a pool to bathe and she rubbed her skin and collected the scurf The scurf grew into a large palm tree The girl stayed in the tree and the parrot would bring her food A Mahuli girl sat in the shade of the tree and Kora s sister yelled to her that she would trade her bracelet for a fan The Mahuli girl came to Kora s house to sell goods and they asked where she got her bracelet from and she told them The family invoked a storm and the girl left the tree and went to find shelter w her brother and realized she no longer wanted to live She cut her throat w his nail cutter Kora saw this and then he did the same The blood stayed separate and when the bodies were burned the smoke stayed separate This made them realize that brothers and sisters were not supposed to be married The She Bear Giambattista Basile The king of Roccaspra had a beautiful wife that fell ill As she was dying she made him promise to never marry another woman unless she was a beautiful as her He promised and then she died He soon wanted another wife so that she could bear a son and he called every woman in the world to come to his kingdom so he could find the most beautiful one He found something wrong with all of them and then realized that his daughter was just as beautiful as her mother and decided he would marry her She did not want to marry him but he told her it was that or death She began to cry and an old woman gave her a piece of wood that would turn her into a she bear and that she should run into the forest and she would find her fortune there The King of Acquacorrente saw the she bear and noticed how tame it was He brought it back to the palace so that he could look at it every day The king saw the bear turn into a beautiful woman but she changed back by the time he reached her He became ill and his mother thought it was the bear s fault so she ordered to have it killed The servants were fond of the bear and set her free in the forest The king went and brought her back to him and asked her to cook and make his bed He kissed the bear and the piece of wood fell out of her mouth and she became a beautiful woman again The king got well and they were married Proverb those who do good may expect good in return All Kinds of Fur Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm A king had the most beautiful wife in the world and she had golden hair She was sick and she asked him not to marry anyone unless she was as beautiful as her and had golden hair like hers He promised and she soon died He was advised to get another wife but he could not find any that were as beautiful as she was He decided that he was never going to find anyone as beautiful 1 and that he would have to marry his daughter who was just as beautiful and had golden hair She asked him for 3 dresses one as golden as the sun white as the moon and one that glistened like the stars She also asked for a fur coat made out of every animal s fur in the kingdom She put the dresses in a nutshell blackened her hands and face put on the coat and left The king was hunting and came across the animal w many different furs They decided she would be good for the kitchen and brought her back to the palace She cooked cleaned and pulled the king s boots off at night he would then throw them at her There was a ball and she asked the cook if she was allowed to go and look he let her but only for half an hour She opened the nutshell and put on a dress and danced w the king She then returned and blackened herself and put on the coat She was told to cook soup for the king and she put her golden ring in the bowl She went to the ball again and the king recognized her as his fianc She ran away again and put on the coat She was asked to make the soup again and she put the golden spinning wheel in it The next night she went to the ball and he was positive that this was his fianc so he put slipped the ring on her finger w o her noticing She disappeared again and blackened herself but she missed her finger b she was in a rush She made the soup and put the golden yarn reel in it The king saw that her finger was white and he found the ring he put on her hand He took off her fur coat and they got married and lived happily Fair Maria Wood Italy There was a couple w a daughter as their only child The wife got ill and asked her husband to only remarry a woman that her wedding ring fit He went from woman to woman but the ring did not fit any of them He then tried it on his daughter and it fit perfectly She asked him for 4 silk dresses and a dress made out of wood She took the 4 dresses and put on the wood dress and threw herself into the river She floated past a man and asked if she could be his servant The man went to the ball and the girl asked his mother if she could go to The mother did not let her so she snuck out after the woman fell asleep The man fell in love w the beautiful girl and told his mother all about it There was another ball and the servant girl asked him if she could go he said no and began to beat her Once again she snuck out to …

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