OPMT 303 Final Exam Study Guide How to prepare for your final examination Formulas and tabled values will be provided in the last question s of the exam The outline below highlights the primary materials that will be covered on your final examination It represents a balanced view of the topics we covered over the course of the semester The examination consists of both conceptual and computational materials To be well prepared for the final will require that you have read each of the chapters listed below You can focus your reading however by focusing on the topical areas listed below You will also benefit by spending time reviewing the PowerPoint slides used in class Lectures focused on the materials considered to be most critical from the text s chapters Note also that I included additional materials in the PowerPoint slides that were not provided in the text Do not ignore these You will also find that practicing with the discussion and review questions suggested in the syllabus will aid in making sure you understand the conceptual materials from the chapters Further do not neglect the Taking Stock questions from the chapters covered on the exam The problems we worked in class also indicated in the PowerPoint presentations are very similar to those you will need to be able to work on the exam Make sure you can complete these problems Do not simply look at these problems and conclude you can solve them simply because you can follow the steps we employed in class Instead solve the problems using a blank sheet approach Do not look at your notes or any other aids when practicing Further you should work any additional problems in the text related to the problem materials While these problems will not map perfectly with those on the exam practicing with them will improve your understanding of the material OPMT 303 Exam III Study Guide 1 Cumulative Material Introductory Materials Chapter 1 Production and Operations Management Definition of Operations Management Model of production systems inputs transformation outputs o Feedback and Control Differences between manufactured goods and service goods The Scope of Operations Management o Responsibilities of the Operations Manager Decision making in Operations Management o Models Analysis of Trade offs and Systems Approach e g Ethics Historical Evolution of Operations Management o Remember names dates and contributions Trends Chapter 2 Productivity Competitiveness and Strategy Competitiveness Competitive priorities cost quality time flexibility Strategy Overview o Distinctive competencies Operations Strategy o Strategy Formulation Order Winners Order Qualifiers Productivity o What is it o Why do we care about productivity o Factors affecting productivity o Improving productivity Productivity computational problems o Total productivity Multi factor productivity Partial measure productivity Chapter 4 Product and Service Design Introduction Objectives of Product and Service Design o Design for operations o Manufacturability Research and Development Legal Ethical and Environmental Issues Standardization Mass Customization Concurrent Engineering Remanufacturing Service Design Issues Application of Technologies to Product and Service Design o e g CAD Chapter 5 Capacity Planning Introduction to Capacity Planning Definitions and role of capacity planning Measuring Capacity OPMT 303 Exam III Study Guide 2 o Efficiency Calculations o Utilization Calculations Determining Capacity Requirements computational example Developing Capacity Alternatives Evaluating Capacity Alternatives Chapter 6 Process Selection and Facilities Layout Introduction to basic concepts and definitions Characteristics of the five process flow structures o continuous o mass o batch o job o project Introduction to Technology Management Issues o Hardware Technologies o Software Technologies o Computer Integrated Manufacturing o Service Technologies Evaluating Technology Investments Layout Types and Characteristics o Product o Process o Group technology o Project o Fixed Position Product Layout Problem using an appropriate heuristic o Cycle time o Theoretical minimum number of workstations o Efficiency o Balance Delay Service Layouts Chapter 15 Supply Chain Management What is supply chain management What are the important trends in supply chain management What are management s responsibilities in supply chain management o Strategic tactical and operational Why is purchasing important o With what functions must purchasing interface o What is the purchasing cycle o What is value analysis o What are the relative merits of centralized versus decentralized purchasing o What ethical issues arise in purchasing What are the principles involved What are the standards of purchasing ethics What is e Business Supplier management The need to manage inventories o What is the bullwhip effect o What is vendor managed inventory What is order fulfillment OPMT 303 Exam III Study Guide 3 What is logistics o Tracking Goods RFID o What is 3 PL Third Party Logistics o Managing returns be familiar with the various aspects of this area of logistics How can an effective supply chain be developed o What are the requirements for a successful supply chain o What is collaborative planning forecasting and replenishment CPFR o What is the benefit of effective supply chain management Are the benefits tangible o What are the major elements of supply chain management o What challenges are present in attempting to establish an effective supply chain o Risk management Chapter 9 Introduction to Quality Quality definition Evolution of quality management Quality management gurus and their contributions o E g Deming 14 Points and special cause vs common cause variation o Juran o Crosby o Don t forget the others Dimensions of quality o Product quality o Service quality Determinants of quality o Design conformance ease of use after delivery service Consequences of poor quality Who is responsible for quality Costs associated with QM o prevention o appraisal o internal failure o external failure Ethics of quality management Quality Awards o Baldrige Purposes and benefits Baldrige criteria o Deming prize o European Quality Award Quality Certification o ISO 9000 and ISO 14000 Total Quality o TQM Approach o Elements of TQM Core elements o Six Sigma Quality o Obstacles to TQM implementation TQM criticisms Problem solving and PDSA PDCA DMAIC Process improvement Quality tools scatter diagrams cause and effect diagrams etc Methods
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