Lecture 5 ANTH 170c1 Outline of Last Lecture I Super family Hominoidea A Hylobatidae gibbons II Characteristics of apes III Watch video IV Family Hominidae A Orangutans B Gorillas C Humans D Chimpanzees E Bonobos V Tribe Hominini Outline of Current Lecture I Types of Social interactions II Altruism III 1st Kins Selection IV The reproductive success of a gene V Theory of Kin Selection VI W d Hamilton Current Lecture Title Origins of Cooperative Behaviors Humans are extreme cooperators I Types of Social interactions A All individuals benefits cooperation B Only he actor benefits selfish C Only the recipient benefits altruistic II Altruism A a behavior that benefits the recipient but costs the donor ex that seem like altruism grooming III 1st Kins Selection A In evolutionary terms the ultimate benefit is passing on more copies of your genes B But you are not the only person with copies of your genes C Who do you share your genes with relatives different percentages IV The reproductive success of a gene A remember rs of an individual number of offspring or grand offsprings V Theory of Kin Selection A selection will favor behavioral traits that increase the number of copies of a trait that get passed on to future generations VI W d Hamilton A man who figures this out B kin selecion explained by one equation 1 RB C for a behavior to be adaptive C Hamilton s rule 1 0 5 x benefit 1 reproductive units These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute
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