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Articulations Claudia Stanescu Ph D Office Hours in Gittings 108 Tue 10 11am and Thurs 1 2pm or by appointment Objectives 1 List the 3 structural classifications of articulations 2 List and describe the 3 functional classifications of articulations 3 Define the subtypes of the three functional classifications of articulations discussed in lecture and give examples of each 4 Describe the basic components of a synovial joint Objectives 5 List the functions of synovial fluid 6 Describe the shoulder joint and the knee joint including the ligaments and tendons that stabilize each joint 7 Describe the two types of arthritis and list the major risk factors for osteoarthritis Articulation Definition a point of contact between 1 Bones elbow 2 Bones and cartilage epiphyseal plates 3 Bones and teeth teeth articulate with alveoli Structural classification of joints Based on anatomical structure Fibrous fibrous CT Cartilaginous Synovial cartilage most common Functional classification of joints Based on amount of movement at a joint Immovable synarthrosis arthrosis refers to join syn is together amphi is 2 different things most joints in skull ie sutures tooth gomphosis synchondrosis epiphyseal Slightly movable Freely movable amphiarthrosis ie syndesmoses band of tissue between tibia fibula pelvic symphysis diarthrosis knee hip fingers ie elbow mono axial ulna radius joint ball and socket joint head of femur and hip Types of synarthroses immovable joints Fibrous joints Cartilaginous joint Types of amphiarthroses slightly movable joints Fibrous joint Cartilaginous joint Types of diarthroses freely movable joints All diarthroses are synovial joints hinge joint Mono axial joint elbow pivot joint Types of diarthroses freely movable joints ball and socket Tri axial joints hip and shoulder Types of diarthroses freely movable joints planar Structure of diarthroses synovial joints Functions of synovial fluid 1 Lubricates joint 2 Provides nutrients to articular cartilage avascular 3 Shock absorption Accessory structures of synovial joints Ligaments intracapsular and extracapsular Tendons Bursae Menisci Shoulder joint Diarthrosis freely movable Tri axial joint more prone to injury Stabilized by 5 ligaments and the tendons of 5 muscles Shoulder Joint Ligaments 3 Shoulder joint Tendons Rotator Cuff Muscles 1 Supraspinatus 2 Infraspinatus 3 Subscapularis 4 Teres minor Knee joint Diarthrosis Mono axial joint Medial and lateral menisci cushion the joint 7 ligaments stabilize the joint 2 intracapsular ligaments 5 extracapsular ligaments Knee joint extracapsular ligaments Knee Joint intracapsular ligaments Arthritis 2 Common Types 1 Osteoarthritis OA degenerative 2 Rheumatoid arthritis RA inflammatory http www medicinenet com rheumatoid arthritis pictures slideshow article htm Osteoarthritis Risk Factors Heredity Overweight Joint injury Repeated overuse Aging Lack of physical activity Nerve injury

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UA PSIO 201 - PSIO 201 Lecture 16 Feb 24, 2014

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