Axial skeleton vertebrae and bony thorax Claudia Stanescu Ph D Office Hours in Gittings 108 Tue 10 11am and Thurs 1 2pm or by appointment Objectives 1 List and describe the features common to all vertebrae 2 Distinguish between the three different types of vertebrae cervical thoracic and lumbar 3 Name the components of the thoracic cage 4 Describe the articulations of the sternum with the clavicle and with the ribs Objectives 5 Differentiate between the true and false including floating ribs 6 Describe the articulations of the ribs with the vertebrae including how these articulations differ between T1 T2 T8 T10 T11 and T12 Vertebral column is made up of 26 bones 7 cervical 12 thoracic 5 lumbar 1 sacrum 1 coccyx 4 normal curvatures of the vertebral column Primary 1 Thoracic 2 Sacral Secondary 1 Cervical 2 Lumbar 4 normal curvatures of the vertebral column 1 Primary 1 Thoracic 2 Sacral 2 3 Secondary 1 Cervical 2 Lumbar 4 Single curve in fetus Four curves in adult Features of a Typical Vertebra superior view POSTERIOR Facet of superior articular process Spinous process Vertebral foramen Facet for head of rib Lamina Pedicle Transverse process Spinal cord Vertebral body ANTERIOR Features of a Typical Vertebra posterolateral v POSTERIOR ANTERIOR Spinal cord Transverse process Facet of superior articular process Spinal nerve Facet for head of rib Vertebral body Intervertebral foramen Intervertebral disc Spinous process Inferior articular process Herniated Disc superior view POSTERIOR Spinous process of vertebra Spinal nerve Spinal cord Herniated disc Spinal nerve compression ANTERIOR Nucleus pulposus Annulus fibrosus no vertebral body larger Typical Cervical Vertebra superior view POSTERIOR Superior articular facet Lamina Transverse process Bifid spinous process Vertebral foramen Pedicle Transverse foramen ANTERIOR Vertebral body C1 The Atlas superior view Superior articular facet occipital bone articulares no body POSTERIOR Posterior arch Vertebral foramen articulates Articular axis underneath surface for dens of axis helps with yes movement Anterior arch Transverse process Transverse foramen ANTERIOR C2 The Axis superior view POSTERIOR Inferior articular process Spinous process Lamina Vertebral foramen Transverse process Superior articular facet where atlas articulates Dens rotation for no movement ANTERIOR Vertebral body Thoracic Vertebra right lateral view articulate with ribs spinous process downward and sharp giraffe POSTERIOR ANTERIOR Superior articular facet Pedicle Transverse process Superior demifacet Vertebral body Facet for articular part of tubercle of rib Inferior articular facet Spinous process Inferior demifacet not as sharp sharpest more like lumbar Lumbar Vertebra right lateral view square blunt large body to support weight POSTERIOR Superior articular process ANTERIOR Superior vertebral notch Pedicle Transverse process Vertebral body Spinous process Inferior articular facet no rib articulation with lumbar or cervical Classification of vertebrae Important features used to identify vertebrae Cervical transverse foramina and bifurcated bifid spinous process Thoracic sharp inferiorly pointed spinous process Lumbar blunt posteriorly pointed spinous process transverse foramena Cervical vertebra Thoracic vertebra Lumbar Vertebra Structure and function of the vertebrae Cervical vertebrae Transverse foramina house blood vessels and nerves Text Large vertebral foramen for cervical enlargement of the spinal cord Thoracic vertebrae Facets for rib articulation Lumbar vertebrae Largest body because they bear most of the weight of the upper body Sacrum and Coccyx posterior view part of vertebral colum Superior articular facet Sacral canal sacrum articulates with L5 coxal bone coccyx Auricular surface look like ears where coxal bone articulation Posterior sacral foramen for nerves Median sacral crest continuous with spinal processes Sacrum Co1 Coccyx Co2 Co3 Co4 Sacrum and Coccyx anterior view five vertebrae fussed together three five vertebrae fussed Superior articular process Base of sacrum S1 Anterior sacral foramen S2 for nerves S3 Sacrum S4 Apex of sacrum Co1 Co2 Co3 Co4 S5 Coccyx The Bony Thorax anterior view SUPERIOR Clavicle Clavicular notch Suprasternal notch rib 1 7 true ribs rib 8 10 false rib 11 12 floating 3 Manubrium middle Body bottom Scapula 2 STERNUM top clavicle articulation 1 true own cartilage false share cartilage floating no cartilage 4 Xiphoid process 5 bone has blood vessels cartilage does not T9 Costal cartilage rib cartilage in open heart surg cut through sternum bone heals better than cartilage bc vasculature cartilage avascular 6 T10 T11 11 T12 7 8 12 9 10 INFERIOR Intercostal space Rib posterior view of left rib Head Tubercle Superior facet Inferior facet Articular facet Facet for costal cartilage Rib Articulation superior view of left rib articulation View POSTERIOR Spinous process Tubercle of rib Facet for tubercle of rib articulates to transverse process Transverse process Facet for tubercle of rib Facet for transverse process Superior demifacet Vertebral body articulates to facet demifacet ANTERIOR Head of rib tubercle only articulates with one vertebrae head can articulate to 2 vertebrae Thoracic Vertebrae Superior facet for head of rib 1 T1 Inferior demifacet for head of rib 2 Superior demifacet for head of rib 2 8 T2 8 Inferior demifacet for head of rib 3 9 Superior demifacet for head of rib 9 Facet for articular part of tubercle of ribs 1 10 T9 Superior facet for head of rib 10 T10 T11 No facets for tubercle of ribs 11 and 12 Facet for head of rib 11 T12 Facet for head of rib 12 Articulation between rib 1 and thoracic vertebra T1 1 The head of the rib articulates with one thoracic vertebra the facet on the body of T1 2 The tubercle of the rib 1 articulates with the transverse process of T1 Articulation between ribs and thoracic vertebrae T2 T8 1 The head of the rib articulates with two thoracic vertebrae the inferior demifacet of the superior vertebra the superior demifacet of the inferior vertebra 2 The tubercle of the rib articulates with the transverse process of the inferior vertebra the facet on the transverse process Articulation between rib 9 and thoracic vertebra T9 1 The head of the rib articulates with two thoracic vertebrae the inferior demifacet of T8 the superior demifacet of T9 2 The tubercle of the rib articulates with the transverse process of T9 Articulation between rib and thoracic vertebrae T10 T11 T12 1 The head of the rib
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