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Axial skeleton the skull Claudia Stanescu Ph D Office Hours in Gittings 108 Tue 10 11am and Thurs 1 2pm or by appointment Objectives 1 List the major components of the axial skeleton 2 List the 8 bones of the cranium and be able to describe their location and articulations within the skull and the bone features that belong to each bone 3 List the 4 sutures and the bones that each separate Objectives 4 List the 14 bones of the face and be able to describe their location and articulations within the skull and the bone features that belong to each bone 5 List the bones that compose the calvarium 6 Name the bones that compose the eye orbit 7 Describe the temporomadibular joint Divisions of the skeletal system Axial Division Appendicular Division Bone markings Table 7 2 pg 212 1 Process an extension from a bone for articulation with another bone or muscle 2 Fossa a depression in a bone surface 3 Foramen meatus canal types of openings in bone surface for passage of blood vessels and nerves Skull 8 cranial bones surround the brain 14 facial bones Cranium brain case Calvarium the skull cap roof of skull 8 Cranial Bones Frontal bone 1 Parietal bone 2 Occipital bone 1 Temporal bones 2 Sphenoid 1 Ethmoid 1 Frontal bone Parietal bone Calvarium frontal parietal occipital bones Foramen Magnum Occipital condyles Occipital bone Temporal bone External Auditory Meatus Mastoid Process Zygomatic Process of the Temporal Bone Styloid process Mandibular Fossa Mandibular Fossa Temporal Bone Sella Turcica Sphenoid Bone Optic Canal Ethmoid Bone Crista Galli Anterior Ethmoid Bone Crista Galli Cribriform Plate Olfactory Foramina Ethmoid Bone Crista Galli Cribriform Plate Olfactory Foramina Perpendicular Plate Superior Nasal Conchae Middle Nasal Conchae Anterior View Ethmoid bone Cribriform plate Olfactory foramina Crista galli Perpendicular plate ethmoid Middle nasal concha ethmoid Cranial sutures Coronal suture Squamousal suture TMJ Lambdoidal suture Cranial sutures Sagital suture Parietal Frontal Temporal 14 Facial Bones Zygomatic bones 2 Maxillae 2 Mandible 1 Lacrimal 2 Nasal bones 2 Vomer 1 Inferior nasal conchae 2 Palatine bones 2 Cheeks jaw forms part of nasal septum roof of mouth Temporal process of the zygomatic bone Zygomatic bone Zygomatic arch temporal process of zygomatic bone zygomatic process of temporal bone Palatine process of the maxilla Alveoli are teeth sockets Maxilla Alveoli of the Maxilla teeth sockets Palatine bone Hard palate palatine bones palatine processes of maxilla Lacrimal bone Nasal bone Inferior nasal concha bone Vomer bridge septum connected in back leaves space in front cartilage Mandible jaw TMJ Madibular condyle condylar process of the mandible Coronoid process of the mandible Ramus branch Body Alveoli of the mandible teeth sockets Hyoid bone floating surrounded by muscle broken in strangulation not articulated Bones of the eye orbit 7 bones Frontal Bone Sphenoid Bone Zygomatic Bone Ethmoid Bone Lacrimal Bone Palatine Bone Maxilla Temporomadibular joint The only moveable joint of the skull Mandibular condyle of the mandible and the mandibular fossa of the temporal bone form this joint TMJ syndrome pain associated with muscle spasm muscles pull joint out of alignment age arthritis clenching most common in women between 20 40

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