OSU PSYCH 3313 - Chapt 4-2

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OUTLINE Drug effects Drug actions at the synapse Effects of psychoactive drugs What is a Drug Drug any substance that alters function of the body or brain Drug Effects Route of Adminstration fastest slowest Injection Inhalation Oral Topical Concentration of Drug in the Blood Supply Depends on the Route of Administration Drug Effects Route of Adminstration fastest slowest Injection Inhalation Oral Topical Individual Differences Gender Body Weight Genetics Experience OUTLINE Drug effects Drug actions at the synapse Effects of psychoactive drugs Drug Action at the Synapse Drug any substance that alters function of the synapse in the body PNS or brain CNS Agonist mimics or enhances the effect of a neurotransmitter Antagonist blocks or decreases the effect of a neurotransmitter Sites of Drug Action Agonist 8 Autoreceptors Increase synthesis Promote release Block reuptake or degradation Block presynaptic autoreceptors Activate postsynaptic receptor Antagonist Reduce synthesis Prevent storage Block release Activate presynaptic autoreceptors Block postsynaptic receptor Drug Interactions at the Dopaminergic Synapse N O X E M A OUTLINE Drug effects T O N Drug actions at the synapse Effects of psychoactive drugs What is a Psychoactive Drug Any drug with psychological effect passes through blood brain barrier to directly affect brain Drugs of abuse Therapeutic drugs Classes of Psychoactive Drugs Opiates Morphine Heroin Codeine Endorphins Depressants Alcohol barbiturates Quaaludes Valium Stimulants Tobacco caffeine cocaine methamphetamine Psychedelics LSD PCP Psilocybin Ecstasy Marijuana Depressants Drugs that reduce CNS activity Sedative calming effects Anxiolytic anxiety reducing effects Hypnotic sleep inducing effects Alcohol A standard drink Blood Alcohol Content BAC Factors influencing BAC Number type of drinks Weight Gender Genetic Background Neurochemical Effects of Alcohol GABAA receptor agonist Antianxiety sedative effects Motor impairment NMDA receptor antagonist Memory problems Dopamine receptor agonist Euphoric qualities Stimulants Drugs that increase CNS activity Increase Heart Rate Increase Respiration Increase Blood Pressure Increase arousal Increase alertness Elevate mood Cocaine Extracted from coca plant can be snorted inhaled or injected to produce Euphoria Decreased appetite Increased alertness Relieved fatigue Methamphetamine Synthetic drug can be snorted inhaled or injected to produce effects similar to cocaine Cocaine Meth Binding Sites Mesolimbic system Reward Pathway VTA releases dopamine onto the Nucleus accumbens Neurochemical effects of Cocaine Blocks dopamine reuptake into VTA presynaptic neurons VTA DA transporters NA More dopamine is available at the NA postsynaptic receptors Neurochemical effects of Methamphetamine Stimulates dopamine release from VTA diff from cocaine VTA DA transporters Blocks dopamine reuptake NA More dopamine is available at the NA postsynaptic receptors Psychedelic Drugs Cause perceptual cognitive distortions Serotonin receptor agonists Lysergic acid diethylamide LSD PCP Angel s dust Psilocybin Mushrooms MDMA Ecstasy Neurochemical effects of Ecstasy Serotonergic Neuron Serotonin Transporter Increases serotonin release and blocks reuptake More serotonin is available to bind postsynaptic receptors Serotonin Serotonin Receptors Less serotonin is available for release and autoreceptor activation decreases synthesis and release even further Serotonin levels decrease after use Mouse Party Ecstasy Meth Cocaine HeroinMarijuana AlcoholLSD http learn genetics utah edu units addiction drugs mouse cfm

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OSU PSYCH 3313 - Chapt 4-2

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