Chapter 2 The Anatomy and Evolution of the Nervous System OUTLINE Basic Anatomy Nervous System Divisions Peripheral Nervous System Central Nervous System Anatomical Directions Rostral anterior head front Caudal posterior tail back Dorsal superior top back Ventral inferior bottom belly Medial middle Lateral outside Proximal near core Distal extremities Ipsilateral same side Contralateral opposite side Planes of Section Coronal sections divide brain crosswise from front to back Planes of Section Sagittal sections are parallel to the midline and give us a side view Planes of Section Horizontal sections section brain from top to bottom The Meninges 3 layers in the CNS Dura mater Hard mother Arachnoid membrane Pia mater Pious mother Meningitis DURA MATER DURA MATER ARACHNOID ARACHNOID PIA MATER PIA MATER Ventricles Four ventricles 2 lateral ventricles 3rd ventricle 4th ventricle Filled with cerebral spinal fluid CSF Ventricles Four ventricles 2 lateral ventricles 3rd ventricle 4th ventricle Filled with cerebral spinal fluid CSF CSF moves through self contained and separate circulation system from blood supply Production of CSF Made by choroid plexus in ventricles Similar composition to clear plasma of blood Cerebral Blood Supply Brain 2 of body mass but uses 16 of blood OUTLINE Basic Anatomy Nervous system divisions Peripheral Nervous System Central Nervous System The Nervous System Central CNS brain and spinal cord Peripheral PNS nerves connecting CNS to muscles organs and skin Nerves Two kinds of nerves connect CNS to the body Afferent Sensory goes toward CNS from sensory receptors Efferent Motor goes out from CNS to muscles and organs Peripheral Nervous System Somatic Cranial nerves and spinal nerves Somatosensory and skeletal motor Autonomic Glands and organs Sympathetic Parasympathetic Somatic Nervous System Cranial nerves 12 pairs Exit enter directly from brain Sensory nerves Motor nerves and Mixed nerves Cranial Cranial nerves Cranial nerves enter and exit the brain directly Cranial nerves 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Olfactory Optic Oculomotor Trochlear Trigeminal Abducens Facial Auditory Glossopharyngeal Vagus Spinal accessory Hypoglossal Somatic Nervous System Cranial nerves 12 pairs Exit enter directly from brain Some serve both motor and sensory functions Mixed nerves Spinal nerves 31 left right pairs Cranial Spinal cord has two parallel pathways Sensory Nerves Dorsal Root Motor Nerves Ventral Root Covered by only two layers of Meninges Outside spinal cord nerves swell to form spinal ganglion System Specific Terminology Peripheral Central Nervous Nervous System System Bundle of Axons Nerve Tract Group of cell bodies Ganglion Nucleus Spinal Patellar Reflex Spinal cord damage Cranial Quadriplegic Paraplegic Autonomic Nervous System Two divisions Sympathetic Parasympathetic Involved in regulating four critical bodily states related to survival i e the 4 Fs Fighting Fleeing Feeding Reproduction Parasympathetic Nervous System Rest and digest Calms body to conserve and maintain energy Release acetylcholine heart rate and blood pressure Stimulates digestion Sympathetic Nervous System Fight or flight Release adrenaline and norepinephrine heart rate and blood pressure blood flow to skeletal muscles Inhibits digestion
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