PSYCH 3313 Introduction to Behavioral Neuroscience Spring 2014 Dr Derick Lindquist Dept of Psychology Office Room 49 Psychology Building Phone 292 2236 Email lindquist 40 osu edu Pre Requisite Psych 100 Lecture Time Room M W F 10 20 11 15 Lazenby Hall 021 Office hours M W 11 20 12 20 Course Objectives This course explores the relationship between the brain and behavior There are two primary course objectives First the course will introduce basic neurobiological terminology and concepts that will promote an understanding of how behavioral and cognitive functions arise from interactions between groups of neurons Second the course is designed to prepare you for upper level Neuroscience courses My hope is that you will not only become familiar with the nuts and bolts of how the brain works but also captivated by its complexity and elegance and its awesome ability to bring into existence all of your thoughts actions memories and dreams The course is divided into three major sections The first section is organized around the general structure and function of the nervous system In this section we begin by exploring the anatomical organization of the nervous system at both the cellular and systems level followed by a discussion of the physiology electrical and chemical of neural communication within and between neurons We will round out these beginnings by considering neuropharmacology and the genetics of brain development The second section will explore the sensory and motor systems with an in depth investigation of the visual system from retinal processes to complex perception We conclude with discussions on sexual behavior and the biological rhythms that regulate sleep and waking The third section will examine several domains of behavioral and cognitive functions including learning and memory language emotion and stress and various neurological and psychological disorders Textbook The course textbook is Discovering Biological Psychology by Laura Freberg 2nd edition Wadsworth 2010 This is a very readable text that provides most of the basic information that you will need for this course Other Behavioral Neuroscience textbooks like Rosenzweig et al s Biological Psychology Kolb and Whishaw s Brain and Behavior Pinel s Biopsychology or Carlson s Foundations of Behavioral Neuroscience all have the same basic information that forms the core of this course Websites The course website can be found at www carmen osu edu This site is where all course materials and information will be made available Online material from the textbook can be found at www cengagebrain com There are also many websites on the internet that provide useful information about behavioral neuroscience e g Neuroscience for Kids at http faculty washington edu chudler introb html Assistance I am available and interested in talking with you about the course the course material and strategies to improve your learning I have set office hours but can also answer questions by e mail lindquist 40 osu edu or phone 292 2236 and I will gladly set up an appointment at a time that is mutually acceptable for more lengthy discussions Quizzes Two quizzes will be presented during the semester Each is worth 20 points and is based on your reading of a neuroscience journal article selected by myself The article and 10 question multiple choice quiz will be posted to Carmen All questions will come directly from the article Once posted you will have one week to take and submit each quiz Exams There will be three exams in this course Each exam is worth 100 points and will consist of a mixture of 50 true false and multiple choice questions Each exam is sectional covering material since the last exam albeit concepts and terminology from earlier exams will by necessity be included in later exams As a suggestion you should make the acquaintance of others in the class so that you can get lecture notes in the event that you miss a class Exams are based solely on each section s lecture slides i e if we don t discuss in class you won t be tested on it No make up exams will be given except in the case of documented illness or emergency Prior approval must be received from instructor In the event of a last minute emergency you must email or call the instructor on the same day as the exam preferably before the exam begins Acceptable excuses for missing an exam are a death in the family personal illness or the illness of your child or spouse and unforeseen accidents Please obtain documented proof of these events should they occur If you are late for an exam you will be allowed to take it but you will have to submit your answers by closing time like everybody else Grade Evaluation The final grade is based on the percentage of total points out of 340 Final grades will be computed based on standard breakdown percentages e g 306 points 90 for an A Extra Credit Extra credit up to 2 of final grade will be awarded based on the completion of an assigned project Details and due date will be provided later in the course Academic Ethics All students enrolled in OSU courses are bound by the Code of Student Conduct http studentaffairs osu edu resource csc asp The instructor and course assistants are committed to maintaining a fair assessment of student performance in this course Suspected violations of the Code will be dealt with according to the procedures detailed in the Code Specifically any alleged cases of misconduct will be referred to the Committee on Academic Misconduct It is the responsibility of the Committee on Academic Misconduct to investigate or establish procedures for the investigation of all reported cases of student academic misconduct The term academic misconduct includes all forms of student academic misconduct wherever committed illustrated by but not limited to cases of plagiarism and dishonest practices in connection with examinations Instructors shall report all instances of alleged academic misconduct to the committee Faculty Rule 3335 5 487 For additional information see the Code of Student Conduct For a good concise description of academic misconduct and a list of frequently asked questions see http oaa osu edu coamfaqs html Accommodations for Students with Special Needs The policy of The Ohio State University is to provide every reasonable appropriate and necessary accommodation to qualified disabled students The University s colleges and academic centers evaluate and judge applications on an individual basis and no categories of disabled
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